
Somewhere, in the middle of the ocean, two lifeboats with tents up were seen floating. The waves gently move them side to side or up and down, taking them further away to any lands. Soon, one of the lifeboats' tents unzips, revealing Kendall, the kids, Redford, and Stiggy were alright, surviving the heavy storm they dealt with hours ago. Not long after, the other boat's tent unzipped, revealing the rest of the campers, Bumpy, and Butler were alright.

"Are you guys okay?" Kendall asked them.

"Barely! We almost got killed by a storm!" Ben exclaimed, but he was relieved that his motion sickness didn't kick in thanks to the crackers.

"Okay, can someone please tell me what's going on and why were our guides trying to kidnap us?!" Kenji exclaimed, still not figuring out what just happened.

Kendall was the one that answered his question, "Yeah, long story short, Lyle and Becca are not our guides, they're kidnappers in disguise, hired by Uberto Mortem to kidnap Val. And will probably kill us. Does that answer your question?"

Kenji stared at her in a dumbfounded expression, "...Pretty much."

Darius, still in shock, came up and asked, "But...what happened to real Lyle and Becca? Did they..."

"No, the real Lyle and Becca are not here because Lyle was admitted to the hospital, and they had to cancel. The fake ones infiltrated the message, preventing the others from finding out until we got on the boat." Kendall explains what really happened.

"Really?!" Kenji exclaimed with a flabbergasted expression.

"Yeah, we were lucky that we got out on time, thanks to Kendall's instincts." Brooklynn said, remembering how Kendall found out about the fake Lyle and Becca beforehand, "If she didn't find out soon, we would all be dead."

Sammy sighs as she slumps on the edge, "This is all my fault. If I didn't accept the deal, we wouldn't be here!" She said, feeling guilty that this misfortune happened to her.

Yaz, who remembered from Danica that if Sammy didn't agree to help, then her family would've been either killed or experimented on, "Hey, Sammy, don't think of that." She assures, surprising Sammy, "If you haven't taken it, Mantah Corp would've sent you and your siblings to become experiments to that psychopath!"

"But still..."

"She's right, Sammy." Brooklynn said to the cowgirl, "I mean, from what we just learned, Mantah Corp will take you and your siblings away and experiment you all like they did to Destiny and the others."

Sammy, seemingly feeling a little better, couldn't help but smile at their support, "Thanks...although, I wish we can figure out how to get to dry land or contact the others."

"Butler, can you get a signal?" Brooklynn suddenly asked her A.I. cellphone.

:Nothing yet, Ms. Brooklynn, can't reach any signal.: Butler replied, showing a no signal sign on his screen, :I need to a better signal area than here.:

"So...we need to find dry land?" Val asked Butler.

:Yup, but the radar isn't picking up any islands in our area.:

Kenji groans in annoyance, "Great! We're stuck in the middle of the ocean, with no help or-" There was a splash coming from behind, which scared poor Kenji, "What was that?! A Shark?! A sea-monster?! A sea-monster shark?!"

Val peeks at the edge of the boat to sense what animal that was approaching, and to her surprise, it was a dolphin, it lets out happy clicking sounds, greeting Val, who smiles at it, "Hello there."

The Little Girl goes to Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now