★彡[ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ TᗯO]彡★

Start from the beginning

"It's okay mom, you don't gotta act like I wasn't here a couple days ago." Yvonne smiled as she was clasped into her loving embrace which she sank into pleasantly. Felix's mother insisted she call her mom since she told her about her family situation and said even if Felix and Yvonne broke up, she was still welcome here and she was her mom now.

"You should help with making dinner, my professional chef." His mother joked affectionately with Yvonne.

"Sure Mom. Anything I can help with." Yvonne replied with a smile. "Hi Bang Chan." Yvonne greeted the oldest member of Stray Kids.

"Hi." He said shortly, not in a rude way, they just weren't well acquainted. "Hey, mate." Bang Chan greeted Felix as they high five and clasped hands. Felix pulled Bang Chan close and whispered something in his ear. From what Yvonne picked up from Felix's face, it was a promised threat. But after that their faces lit up as they joked around. "I think that would be a great idea Mrs. Lee. I'll let my family know."

Yvonne was a little nervous but Bang Chan was pretty warm and so she was sure his family would be similar to Felix's. Yvonne and him hadn't really got to know each other because when he was there, Sunshine kept him hidden away. By hidden away, Yvonne keeps him locked in her room with her or go out together. You wouldn't see them separate EVER if they are in the same city. Yvonne and Sunshine had become rather close however, through missing their partners that were idols and away often. When they were missing their significant other they would contact each other and do something together usually.

Yvonne decided to drag away Sunshine for some well needed girl talk, telling from the messy hair and clothes the older couple came out with. Sunshine protested but let Yvonne drag her to her room. Sunshine smiled at Yvonne as they entered the room.

"Sooo..?" Yvonne inquired.

"So..what?" Sunshine said being tight lipped despite wanting to spill everything.

"Oh come on! Spill the tea! I'm sure you guys are doing it too!" Yvonne said sitting on the bed next to the crossed arm female.

"I mean where do I start?!" Sunshine said, dropping her facade quickly with a smirk. "He texted me an address and the room number. It was a nice hotel. Like expensive nice. When I entered he had rose petals scattered all around and candles lit. It was so romantic. We had a nice dinner and then burned all those calories off." She said,

"Oh yeah, what was happening when Felix and I arrived?"

"Psh, just making out. Unlike you guys, we can make out without it becoming sexual. It's called maturity and self control." Sunshine spoke, sounding mature all of a sudden.

"Girl, please. Anyways, we started in the kitchen, moved to the couch, then to the hallway, then to the room." Yvonne smirked.

"I need to get my own place." Sunshine sighed. "I'm just scared because I've never been apart from my family... I mean Felix hasn't moved out either and he makes more than me." Yvonne nodded, understanding before rolling her eyes.

"Sunny, he literally lives in dorms in Korea, a majority of the time. There would be no point in him getting a place here. Paying rent and bills for a place he would barely live in." Yvonne explained. "Besides, he usually stays with me when he visits anyways." She said dismissing it.

"I know. But I bet you if we asked if he would move out from the family home I bet you anything he'd say no. It's scary because I love my family and we have a system.. and-and a routine. That's all I mean."

"But if you get your own place, you and Bang Chan can get more risqué in different areas and positions. Felix and I have even had pool sex. It was actually surprisingly good." Sunshine grimaced a bit.

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