but we were miserable

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this is a super short chapter ❤️

"And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said forever and always
Oh, and it rains in your bedroom
Everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always"

The next few days were rough for Betty. She barely came out of her room; and she spent most of her time crying and watching But I'm a Cheerleader on repeat, and forgetting that Taylor isn't there clinging onto her. Andrew came into check on her once in a while. He tried his best to give her space.

"Hey bud, you want to do something?" Andrew leaned on the doorframe looking and his crying daughter. "This isn't exactly healthy." His daughter looked up at him, tired and weak.

"After I gave her the flowers, she blatantly lied to me. She said she was going to the pool. All this time I thought it was spontaneous. Was she planning it?" Betty crushed her head into the tear soaked bedsheets once more. "I just want her back."

Andrew felt for Taylor. "Bets, I've had a first heartbreak too. Believe me."

"Please, do not call me Bets anymore. I can't listen to anyone call me that except Tay."

Betty's father stood in front of her bed. "I know you loved her. And no matter how mad I am at that girl right now; I promise she misses you, no matter what the reason she left was." Andrew said.

"She has so many heartbreak songs, but she's the real heartbreaker." Betty cried. "I deserve so much better. I was so good to her, Dad."

Andrew knew Betty was feeling numb and helpless. "Call her. You still have her number, don't you B?"

Betty shook her head. "I messed up. I threw it out. I removed her contact, and deleted our messages on my phone. She could have explained it to me by now. It could have all been a sick joke."

To be frank; Taylor had not in fact texted Betty. It was too hard for her. Taylor was struggling the exact same way, but she had nobody to rant to. Taylor knew she was in the wrong, and she knew how heartbroken Betty was.

Andrew looked at her. "Any girl would be lucky to date you, B. She loved you too much she was ashamed."

"The other day, when we were at the beach, this boy called us dyk3s. And Tay stood up for us. She wasn't ashamed then."

"A boy called you two what?" Andrew was filled with fury. "Who?"

"Nobody Dad. It was fine. She called him ignorant, and a fool, and she was amazing."

"You're gonna tell me later, and I'll beat that kids ass." Andrew tried to calm down. "Well I think Taylor is a fool, to not see how valuable you are."

"And when she took care of me when I was drunk. She got me a room and she stayed with me all night at the party. For hours in the backyard, and - she was my pretty girl." Betty broke out into tears again.

"Tay. I'm just going to ignore the fact you just admitted you went to a party." Andrew said. "I know Taylor was sweet. But we need to get out."

"Daddy I was so in love. She was so perfect."

"Kiddo. You need to stop thinking about this. Stop ranting and ranting and thinking about what you did wrong. She was the one who messed up not you. Now let's go."

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