Konomi: I see the logic, okay let's try it.

Rindou: what you're agreeing to this.

Konomi: sure I trust you, besides I'm freezing and I have no other ideas.

Rindou: umm okay (takes of his shirt).

Konomi: *if only I wasn't so sick right now* (takes of her t-shirt) *luckily I'm wearing a bra top under this*

   Rindou then gets in the bed with Konomi and cover the both of them with a thick blanket to increase the warmth.

Rindou: (lying stiff as a board) does it feel better? (face completely red).

Konomi: maybe if you hold me (slowly raps her arms around him).

Rindou: *calm yourself I'm only doing this because she's sick* (slowly raps his hands around her pulling her in closer) better?

Konomi: yes thank you *it's such an awkward position but I feel so warm*

Rindou: *she's so small, soft and warm next to me, shit! I can't become a pervert like my brother* (looks at her face).

Konomi: (already asleep).

Rindou: *already asleep?*

  Rindou then stares at Konomi until he eventually falls asleep too.
  Meanwhile on the plane they were already one hour into the journey.

Sanzu: Rindou you lucky bastard.

Ran: I know right not only was he left alone with Konomi but he gets to take care of her too.

Kokonoi: do you guys think he'll do that body warmth thing Ran was talking about.

Sanzu: who knows.

Kakucho: I just hope she's doing alright.

Takeomi: you can call them when we land.

Ran: don't worry I'm sure Rindou will take care of her.

Sanzu: he better.

  Rindou and Konomi then slept in each other's embrace until it was late evening.

Rindou: (wakes up and looks at Konomi) how long have you been awake?

Konomi: just a few minutes now.

Rindou: (gets up) time for you to eat something.

Konomi: no no.

Rindou: not this again.

  After Rindou and Konomi's feeding drama he gave her some medicine and got back in bed with her.

Rindou: are you feeling better?

Konomi: compared to this morning yes a bit at least I can go to the bathroom.

Rindou: that's good you should be able to walk around by morning but for now just sleep more okay.

Konomi: alright thank you Rin Rin (falls back asleep).

Rindou: no need to thank me  (gently kisses her on her forehead) *why did I just do that*

    The next morning Rindou got up before Konomi and went to his room.

Rindou: I practically slept throughout yesterday huh (hears a knock on his door) who?

Konomi: it's me.

Rindou: (opens the door) what are you doing here your meant to be resting.

Konomi: can I come in?

Rindou: fine.

   Rindou's room was finely furnished, just like hers it was spacious and luxurious.

Konomi: (walks in and sits on his couch) come sit next to me.

Rindou: why?

Konomi: please.

Rindou: fine (sits down next to her) what now?

Konomi: I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me it was really nice of you to take care of me like that.

Rindou: can't have you dying cleaning up the body would be a hassle.

Konomi: can't we just have a moment without your tsundere behavior getting in the way.

Rindou: tsundere?

Konomi: (sighs, leans and then pecks him on the cheek) but I mean it thank you.

Rindou: I accept your thanks but that's not enough.

Konomi: huh?

    Rindou suddenly pulled Konomi into a heated long kiss which left them both gasping for air, he then slowly started to kiss her neck leaving bite marks.

Konomi: Rindou I (gasping).

Rindou: (stops) don't worry I won't go any further (stands up and starts walking) I'm going to take a shower.

Konomi: (blushing mess) *what the heckity-heck was that I'm so, I don't even know* (opens Rindou's closet) *I wonder if he has any good hoodies in here*

  Konomi then went through Rindou's clothes and found a baggie grey hoodie which she put on and then left his room.
   She then went down to the kitchen and started cooking.

Rindou: (comes into the kitchen) are you meant to be cooking right now?

Konomi: who knows.

Rindou: (stares at her) is that my favorite hoodie?

Konomi: I don't know.

    Rindou then walks over to her and grabs her by her ass.

Konomi: Rindou!?

Rindou: (whispers in her ear) do you have any idea what you're doing to me?

Konomi: well I-

Rindou: shhh you look good in my hoodie you know (begins to kiss her passionately).

Konomi: (returns kiss).

   After the hot make out session they were both turned on and needed each other badly.

Rindou: (throws Konomi over his shoulder).

Konomi: let me down what are you doing?

Rindou: shhhh don't be so loud I'm taking you to finish this in my room.

    Rindou then carried her on his shoulder back to his room, where they did the deed, not to long after the rest of the Bonten executives came back to find Konomi cooking, like nothing ever happened.

Sanzu: princess (runs and hugs Konomi tightly) I missed you so much.

Ran: (also hugs her) me too.

Kokonoi: I hope you're feeling better.

Konomi: yes I am.

Kakucho: well that's a relief.

Mochi: we were low-key worried.

Konomi: well I'm fine.

Takeomi: where is Rindou?

Konomi: up in his room still asleep.

Ran: about that, why are you wearing his hoodie, did you guys fuck?

Konomi: he lent it to me now shut up.

Ran: okay if you say so darling (winks at her because he knows the truth).

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