Chapter Ten: Don't Leave Me

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"Asch that doesn't seem like a good idea-" Dawn was cut of my a loud thud that echoed through the torch lit cave, "That's not good," Leif stood as Dawn finished his last bandage, "Pierce, Leif, go check it out," As h ordered, they nodded with no arguments and ran off through the winding tunnels of the cavern.

"This way..." Pierce said as he pointed to a tunnel to the left, "Ugh, fine" he pouted, Pierce rolled his eyes and continued on. He abruptly stopped and Leif bumped into his back, "What the hell!?" Pierce shushed him and and pointed, his hand shaking, he was horrified from what was in front of him, both of them were, "Holy shit," Leif walked in front of him his eyes tearing up, "J-Jade," all they knew was that they were too late, and that they'd found out what the thud was. It was the sound of the eldest princesses body, falling to the ground. Pierce snapped out of it although tears had began to stream down his face, he picked her up and put his ear against her chest. He could hear the slightest heartbeat and she was barely breathing, "Come on- let's go back," Leif said through his sniffs. They ran back to meet the others but they soon realized that they'd gotten lost.

They also realized that they could both just teleport back and so, they did. Once the arrived back at they're base the immediately ran over to where everyone was going over the plan, "GUYS! Hurry! Get the potion!" Yelled Dawn who'd already broken down into tears once she saw Jade's limp body in Pierce's arms, "Oh my- Rhys!!!" Ava said in shock, he fumbled to get the substance bottles and the bandages out of his bag to cure her. He sprinted over to where they'd put her down, he inspected where she'd stabbed herself which from what he could see she'd missed her heart by the skin of her fangs, he quickly unraveled the other wound where Zex stabbed her and applied the potion to both, "The potion takes about 20-25 minutes to kick in," Asch looked at him, brows furrowed a lnd tears welling up in his eyes, "GOD DAMN IT SHE DOESN'T HAVE 20 MINUTES LEFT RHYS TRY SOMETHING ELSE," Rhys had always been the one who'd stayed strong and didn't cry but this time, he flinched and jolted back with his eyes starting to water, "I'M TRYING CAN'T YOU SEE?! I'M DOING MY BEST FOR ALL OF US, FOR JADE, FOR YOU!"

That last part, bewildered Asch, F-For me??? Why for me? I understand he's loyal to me but..., before he could respond or apologize for yelling he'd already stormed off, "R-Rhys..." Dawn just sat there, looking drained and dead inside, none of them have slept in days, they were tired of everything, Jade, the sight of blood, each other, and the entirety of Daemos, "Please stop Asch...can't you see, CAN'T YOU SEE HOW MANY FUCKING PROBLEMS YOU'VE CAUSED?! CAN'T YOU SEE HOW BAD YOU'VE MADE THE SITUATION ALREADY!? CAN'T YOU SEE HOW YOU'VE HURT EVERYONE?!..." at this point she was standing up again and in his face, panting and crying, "can't you you've turned into father?" And with that she walked off to see Rhys.

   Asch was always terrified to become like his father and it seems that two of his four children have become just like him, one of them more or less, that one wasn't Asch. He sat down resting on his knees and he gently grabbed his sister's hand, "...I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I've done, it's not you fault you ended up like this," he whispered hoarsely, Pierce was on the other side of the girl and heard what he'd said, "It's not entirely your fault, I had a part in that assassination too," the prince looked up at him, "No it's definitely my fault, I pressured you into doing it," Pierce couldn't protest against that for it was the truth.

Pierce still has tears in his eyes as he checked if she still had some sign of life which was the same as earlier, he leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Jade...please wake up...please...I don't want to be left here by myself..."

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