Chapter Eight: Poiseness Love

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    Jade abruptly broke down into tears, while the large group was around her, she had a sudden moment of realization, that she might have just made the situation worse and that she's put her life to waste. The sobbing princess didn't want to seem weak in front of all these people so she ran off... again.

    But, as expected Pierce soon followed, Jade stopped by a tree to have a moment as Pierce stepped forward and observed her for a second, "I can't believe you did this," she said with a sniffle, "What?" He replied quietly, "I can't believe that we both did this," she added, "That we threw it all away with dumb decisions, that we gave up, that you gave up, that I was  STUPID ENOUGH BELIEVE ANY OF YOUR BULLSHIT AND LIES," she lifted her head and stared at him from the base of the tree, "I-I'm s-s-so sorry," he started as he trembled, "I was scared, a-and confused and I felt that I wasn't given a choice..." Jade justed looked at him as tears slowly fell to the ground, "But you did have a choice, it was ME OR MY STUPID BROTHER, IT WAS TO KILL ME OR DISOBEY ASCH," she huffed, "...But you chose to listen to him, and look where we are now because of that." Her words hit him hard, it had felt like a boulder had crushed him, as it always does, although she didn't use her fancy phrases and weird wordplay, it still felt the same

    Pierce had fallen to his knees by this point, he looked up from his hands to glance at the girl, "Why haven't you actually tried to hurt me yet?" He asked with a blank gaze, "Because as much as you're aggravating, I you never let go of you, but I a different way, if I killed you I'd have no sense of enjoyment out of it and I'd have no reason to live," Pierce blushed lightly for he couldn't really understand what she meant, Does that mean she still likes me? Does she hate me? I'm so confused, he thought, and with that she left a small peck on his forehead and in a flash, she teleported away.

    He was speechless, he couldn't comprehend what had happened, but even then the flustered Daemos turned red, "Holy shi-" he whispered but was cut off by the snap of a twig in the woods behind him, he turned around and spotted a salmon and a black-ish purple tufts of hair poking out at the top of a small boulder, "Noi, Ava, you can come out now," he said, "WHAT!? How'd you know it was us!?!?" Pierce glanced at his messy hair then back at Ava, who'd seemed much calmer than earlier, "Anyways, um mind explaining what that was," she said crossing her arms, he blushed and turned away, "AH!! I-It was nothing," she rolled her eyes and smirked at Noi who had a smug expression on his face, that's when she noticed the large slash on his cheek, "WHAT THE HELL!? Noi when did this happen?!" The small girl said cupping the sides of his face and pulling him closer, "AGH! It's nothing, just a scratch," he said flustered, "...Is this from when I used my powers?" She said as her eyebrows furrowed, "No! Not at all I think it was one of Jade's thorns that flew at me, I'll be fine," Ava sighed and grabbed the two boys by their shirts and dragged them all the way back to the rest of the group.

    The whole way there, all Pierce could think about was that kiss on the forehead, and his
poiseness love...

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