Chapter Seven: The Battle of Fate

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    All of their eyes shot to the air, "I won't let you hurt my friends anymore," Jade looked a bit shocked but quickly masked it with a smug grin, "Well maybe if your 'friends' didn't hurt me in the past, they'd have a much better future," the more words that spilled out of Jade's mouth, the more grief and guilt was put on Pierce's shoulders. Still, he new it wasn't all his fault, it was infact mostly Asch's, he's the one who ordered him to kill her but Pierce still agreed to do so. The chunks of the ground came crashing to the ground the others gasped and screamed as they fled into the forest to take cover, "RUN!!!" Dawn shrieked. Jade's vines crept up her own legs raising her higher and higher as she let out a maniacal laugh as she stared down at the havoc that her and accidentally Ava, had reeked down upon the others.

    Jade's laughter boomed across their battle field, Dawn blasted the vines with her deep magenta flames, trying to get her sister to come down and be rational, she did so with tears in her eyes and Shakey hands, Rhys had grabbed ahold of Ava's arm during all of the chaos to pull her aside and plan, "Ava, hear me out, since we, obviously, discovered you can levitate large items, do you think you can pick up this boulder," he placed a hand on the large rock they were talking behind, "and try to knock down the vines Jade is standing on?", Ava thought for a moment and looked at him, "Would that make her fall and die?" She said holding her palm out flat beside her, "That's were you come in to levitate her, then we can either A. Turn her in which would probably make her more insane as she rots away in prison, B. Contain her until they all make up or rationalize, or C. Take her back to E-earth and contain her until we can get her to cooperate and maybe take her to therapy." Ava didn't really think that those ideas alone were very smart.

    "Oooor, we mix AB. and C. to create idea D." Rhys took a moment to think about what that would be, "So try to make things right between those four and then convince her to come back to E-earth until we can get her help?" "Exactly," Ava said with a determined smile, "GUYS!!!! WHAT'S THAT?!" they heard Leif yell, the all came running to the opening of the woods to see Jade with Asch, Dawn, and Pierce in her grasps, they all were blasting and shooting at her with their powers, but failing horribly. Jade just blocked it all, "It's Jade, let's go!" Rhys shouted, they all ran towards the giant vine with the triplets at the top a long with Pierce, Rhys nodded to Ava and she closed her eyes, gathering her powers until she lifted the boulder into the air and sent it flying towards Jade with the swipe of her finger, the four of them came crashing down.

    Ava caught levitated them, then she released them once they floated to the ground but, of course she left the yelling, kicking, and squirming princess still in her grasps. Leif walked up to her and just stared until her crying stopped and she just stared back, eyebrows furrowed, and cheeks streaked with tears, "Wow..." He said sadly, "You really did it...after all of that planning," the others looked so confused because little did they know, a while back, one of Jade's schemes backfired and she landed herself in the dungeon for at least 8 months, during her time there she spent most of he time screaming at anyone who walked by and went on random rampages about killing her family and Asch's knights, until she eventually escaped, " really attempted to do it..." Leif said, he had been in the middle of his trial when she was locked up and was coincidentally been kept in the cell directly next to her, so he heard her mumbling to herself like a mad person the whole time and knew every detail about her plan, "Of course I did," she scoffed, "Did you really think I'd waste all of that time having meltdowns in that damned dungeon to just not mean anything I said?" She smiled hysterically.

    Dawn had a uneasy expression as she had the flashbacks of sitting in her bedroom with a pillow covering her ears to muffle the screams of her sister that you could all around the palace. Sometimes Asch would sit beside her with his arms around her to comfort the two of them, until Jade would calm down and be let out like nothing happened, their father new, they all new, since the day she was born, that she would be the royal family member that would set all hell loose upon the kingdom wether she was ruler or not, she would change everything about their islands, all with a battle of fate.

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