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As the Avengers in Wakanda are thrown aside by Thanos' relentless assault, Yn, fueled by the remnants of the darkness that once consumed him, taps into his newfound strength. The energy pulsating within him combines the shadows of his past with his own resolve to protect his daughters.

Yn's eyes are blazing with a mixture of darkness and determination,

Yn : You will not harm any one any longer, Thanos!

With a surge of power, Yn charges towards Thanos, engaging him in a fierce and brutal exchange of blows.
The force of their clash shakes the ground beneath them, each strike resonating with the echoes of their intertwined destinies.

Clara, Ilena, and Skylar, though lying unconscious, serve as a constant reminder of the stakes at hand.
Their lifeless forms serve as an unyielding motivator for Yn, igniting a fire within him that burns with both vengeance and protection.

Yn channels the leftover darkness within him, manifesting it as a cloak of black energy that shrouds his body.
His attacks become faster, stronger, and imbued with a malevolence that matches the intensity of his opponent.
The battle intensifies as Yn employs his black energy,
striking at Thanos with calculated precision. Each blow lands with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. The darkness that surrounds Yn seems to echo with his determination to overpower the Mad Titan.

Thanos, caught off guard by Yn's newfound strength and ferocity, attempts to retaliate. But Yn's agility,
honed through years of combat,
allows him to dodge and counter every blow with a lethal grace.
He maneuvers around Thanos, exploiting every opening and weakness with ruthless efficiency.
The clash between Yn and Thanos becomes a dance of power, with each strike and parry echoing their respective philosophies.
Yn fights not only for the sake of his daughters but for the redemption he seeks within himself. Thanos, driven by his insatiable hunger for control, fights to assert his dominance over the universe.

As the battle rages on, the outcome remains uncertain. Yn's inner turmoil continues to plague him, but he presses forward, drawing strength from the love he holds for his daughters and the desire to protect them from further harm.
With each strike, Yn pushes himself further, pushing the boundaries of his own power and resolve.

In this pivotal moment, Yn must harness the darkness within him while clinging to the flickering light of his humanity.
The fate of not only his daughters but the entire universe hangs in the balance as he faces the ultimate test of his strength, will, and love.

As Yn continues his relentless assault against Thanos, his dark powers surge and intertwine with his own resolve. The battlefield becomes a swirling vortex of shadow and fury as the two adversaries clash with titanic force.

Yn: You may be the Mad Titan, but I will not let you prevail! My daughters deserve a future free from your tyranny!

Yn's attacks become more ferocious and unpredictable, fueled by the pent-up anger and desperation he feels. He channels the black energy that courses through his veins, wielding it like a weapon against the indomitable Thanos.

Every punch, kick, and strike carries with it the weight of Yn's determination to protect his family. He maneuvers with a grace that belies his newfound darkness, evading Thanos' retaliatory blows while delivering devastating counterattacks. The battlefield trembles under the sheer force of their clash, and onlookers can only watch in awe and trepidation.

Thanos, caught off guard by Yn's unyielding assault, struggles to match the sheer intensity of his attacks. The Mad Titan's expression morphs from arrogance to uncertainty as Yn's power continues to grow with every passing moment. Realizing the true extent of his opponent's newfound strength, Thanos resorts to unleashing the full power of the Infinity Stones.

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