yn vs clara (2nd round)

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As yn wakes up,
He feels the still sleeping daisy,
With her head ipon his chest,
And her hand on his stomach,
As for the scratches on his back and chest made by daisy the night before,
As yn tries to get up out of the bed,

Daisy pulls him back into it,

Daisy : not yet yn,
Just a little longer.

Yn with doubt on his mind just looks at daisy,

Yn : you should'nt even be here dais.

Daisy now confussed looks to yn,

Daisy : what do you mean yn?
Hive brought us back togheter.
Dont you want to be happy with me?

Yn : i-

The door opens up in its frame hive stands there,

Hive : whats the matter yn?
Did you forget the deal we made.

Yn : i havn't,
But i think you lost yours.

Hive : i said that i would make you be your former self.
Don't you want to be happy yn?

Yn : not like this where she gets high just being around you!

Daisy stands up and goes over to yn,
Taking his head inbetween her hands,

Daisy : just be happy with me yn.

Yn : dais-

Before yn can reply to her she pulls him in to kiss him,

As she lets go,
Without yn even noticing it,
Hive sends particles of himself into his body,
As yn turns to anwser hive,

Yn : i won't be controlled by some cheap tricks like this.

Hive : you will find out soon enough that you will yn.

Hive exits the door again closing it as he leaves,

Again daisy try's to pull yn back into the bed,
Where yn now without any struggle agree's to lay down,
Much more reluncantly.

Outside in the hallway hive starts to smile,

Woman : sir if yn get's free from it he will bring hell upon us all.

Hive : something inside of him burned his last dose away,
But this time it won't fade away like that anymore.

Back in the room with yn and daisy,

Yn : dais.....stop.....

Daisy continue's kissing yn,
As yn continues kissing her,

As ten to twenty minites go by,
Hive calls them,

Hive : alright love birds enough of that!!
let's go!!
We have place's to be!!!

Daisy stops kissing yn,

Yn mesmerised by daisy,
Looks at her and tells her,

Yn : if he interuots us one more time,
I will have-

As if there is a pain in his head and heart,
Yn stops talking,

Daisy : you alright?

Yn stands up and shakes it off,
As he turns back around his eyes turn dark green,

Yn : never been beter.

Both of them exit the room,

Hive : lady and gentlemen let me introduce to you our new member.

Yn : dont even start it hive.

Hive : this is just for them to trust you yn,
Hydra's other unique weapon,
The shadow Yn legona.
my right hand man.

the agent of shieldKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat