~All art in this is mine~

Things started just like a fairytale out of an old dusty storybook. Everything was bright and colorful, it seemed like the world would never end. When I was younger, there was nowhere that my small hands couldn't reach. Now that I'm older, I know better than that.

I don't have the most luxurious lifestyle however, I work directly under the royal family as the division's head knight at the ripe age of twenty-three. I could care less for the royal family. Life isn't as two dementional as the words in children's books. There are constant wars and people who cannot be saved. That's why I do what I do. It's all for the people.

Speaking of fairytales, growing up, we were poor. We lived on the outskirts of the city, so the royal family could care less about us, despite our struggles. We couldn't afford to go to nice plays or fancy dinners, but there was something we did. I remember my older sister, Ena had made her way over to my bed every night and telling me different stories. We didn't have any books or anything for the lack of room. However, I argue that her retellings were even better, as she used to draw pictures and bring the stories to life.

I remember when I found out that Cinderella doesn't always find her prince. When my sister passed away during a war many years ago. That war had caused me to be recognized by the royal family for my 'courage' as the adrenaline rush had caused me to protect the king from an attacker. This action had flipped my life upside down. The whole country would remember the boy who had protected and saved its king, but they would forget the names of the deceased. It never sat right with me.

I never thought I'd be a knight, but when the king who was around my age offered his hand to me, I couldn't possibly refuse. Our family finally had a chance to get out of the rut we were in. However, given the mental state I was in, I pushed myself too hard, and developed a bad habit of doing so. I felt an overwhelming pressure to succeed and match the skill of the adult knights. Additionally, I had a name to uphold.

Despite all of this, I had never felt seriously about the job until I had seen a knight in action. His name was Ken, and he was well respected among the knights. He was the one who showed me the value in saving lives, and I am forever grateful to him. He was yet another soldier we lost on the battlefield. Someone with a wife, and a child.

After Ken's death, I worked my way up the ladder, constantly training to become better. I remember that sometimes I worked until my small body at the time collapsed. I wanted to prevent what happened to Ena or Ken from happening to someone else, so I dedicated my life to serving the kingdom. Despite my reservations with it's rulers, I would, and will always protect them with my life. Nothing would come before them, as they were the pillars of the kingdom. They keep our people from falling apart.

Today was just like any other, I got out of bed early, and changed into my sportswear. After that, I locked my door and headed out for a morning run throughout town. There were very few people awake, as it was around four o'clock, but I didn't have the time to waste. I had to report to the king's side by six. I felt exhilarated at the feeling of getting to see out flourishing kingdom. To know that the sweat that poured from my forehead had contributed to this was inspiring. It kept me going.

After my run, I returned to my residence. On my way back, I had felt the gaze of someone, it must've been a town resident or something. I unlocked my door, carefully hitting it. To ensure that no one followed me inside. After that I hopped into the shower, turning the nob on the hot side. I had the luxury of living in a castle building. This meant that the water had been preheated for us. I enjoyed the burning sensation as the water hit my skin. Steam had filled the bathroom, but I didn't care.

I stepped out of the shower, and dried myself with a white, silky towel. I hastily began to get dressed, as my presence was required soon. I slid on my underwear, and I almost slipped at the lack of balance. I stumbled back into an even stand and began to slide on my white pants over my blouse. I then slid into my button-up overgarments. I swiftly buttoned up the gold buttons, and tied the golden flower armor piece that laid on my shoulder to the other side of my shoulder. This made way for my cape, and prevented it from slipping off during battle. I fastened my boots, and grabbed my sword and placed it on my waist.

I ran out of my residence, and locked the door. I began to feel the gaze of someone again, so I made sure to check my surroundings before entering the main palace grounds. After I checked and found nothing, I chalked it up to me being paranoid. I headed toward the kingdom, and arrived at the gate just barely on time. The guard on duty had recognized me and let me through the second he saw me. This wasn't normal procedure, and was risky. Typically, guards at the gate are required to ask for identification before allowing one to enter. However, everyone at the castle had their trust in me, and never questioned me. I thanked him and made my way to the king's side.

The palace's corridors were long and wide. The were pure white and their grainy textured pillars glistened in the sunlight. The pillars were like prisms, reflecting light that created beautiful rainbows that shined throughout the halls. The floors were white and shiny, well polished. One could easily slip on the floor if they weren't careful. There were a few drops of color through paintings of the royal family and small tables with plants on them. I made my way to the main chamber, where the king spent his day on his golden throne. I opened the heavy rose engraved gold doors, and walked to the king, the pathway filled with a red carpet.

"Oh, ho, ho! There's my trusted knight! You're just on time, princess Saki can't decide what dress to wear to the ball!" King Tsukasa exclaimed at the sight of me. "I just have too many!" Princess Saki whined. "This will not do! Akito you must help her pick a dress!" King Tsukasa commanded. "Isn't the ball in three months..? Why does she need to decide now?" I asked crossing my arms. The king laughed. "The princess is a very busy person! It is remarkable that she would plan so far ahead! As her older brother I couldn't be more proud!" He said dramatically posing, to my dismay. "Yes, your majesty." I said as I kneeled down. Princess Saki giggled. "He's so cool!" She said as I led her to her room. Yeah... Cool. "Of course he his, he is out fearless king after all." I said, lying to myself.

King Tsukasa wasn't someone most would dislike. He was funny and charismatic. When he walks into the room the atmosphere changes dramatically. Despite his popularity, I personally don't like him. He's an idiot, to be blunt. He doesn't think with his head, he just does. His heart is in the right place, but he constantly messes up. Not to mention, he was kind of annoying. He constantly ordered me around like I was some sort of servant, despite being his main knight. What would he do if someone attacked him in my absence? I always thought about stuff like that, but it seemed that his brain found other things more... 'Important'.

Saki knelt down on the ground. "Which one do you think matches me..? I need to know from a guy's perspective, you guys are more simple!" Saki asked, offending me. I had an interest in clothing and fashion. I even had been creating my own clothing for a while now, but sure... I'm more 'simple'... I sighed. "Well, if you want to look presentable throw those out immediately, they're hideous." I said as I pointed at the dresses in her hands, to her surprise. "But I..!" I cut her off. "You asked for my help, didn't you?" I said putting my hands on my waist. This was such a pain. Deep down I didn't like having to tell her that.

After a while we decided on a beautiful pink dress that had crystals all over it. It may have been a little too much for my taste, but it the closest compromise we could come up with. Besides, the dress is for her to wear, not me. "I think this really is the one! No other one could possibly do!" She exclaimed hugging me. "Tell big bro I said thank you for sending his servant to help me!" She said, I felt my eyebrow twitch. Servant..? Really? Whatever. I headed back to the kings side, and bowed down.

"Princess Saki sends her thanks. She found a dress she likes." I said, short and sweet. The king smiled. "How amazing! I just can't wait to see it! Why don't we just make the ball happen in three days instead of three months? Wait that's a perfect idea!" I nearly chocked on myself. This ball was supposed to be an event for our kingdom to get along with our biggest rival kingdom. It was basically an attempt at making piece with them, through King Tsukasa's childish idea of happiness. Parties and riches. To move an event of such importance to such an impending date, was preposterous! Yet the king went ahead and did so.

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