*- hickeys and soju -*

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Y/n pov:
I woke up the next day and remembered what happened at the beach yesterday. Did he see me naked? Oh my god how embarrassing. I got up and went to the bathroom.

I opened the door and without noticing i walked in on a shirtless hyunjin. Why does this always happen to me?

"Oh jesus im so sorry i didn't notice you i-i'll leave i guess!" He chuckled and grabbed my arm. Not again i thought to myself. "Hyunjin i said leave me alone please." This man never hears."y/n stop pretending already." I turned around to face him. "Hyunjin i already told y-" He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine unexpectedly. I was so shocked but kissed back. He grinned and just continued. I placed my hands on his stomach to feel his muscles. Again he started to grin really bad. After a while we had to catch our breath and we just looked at eachother. "See i don't think you hate me."
"That's because i don't."

I left the bathroom and went back to my room to change. I went down stairs to eat something and most of the members were there. "Morning guyss!"  I said. Felix, Han and Changbin were staring at me like crazy. And started to burst out laughing. I expected the worst so checked my neck in the reflection of the oven and boom a big fat hickey. I turned around looking like a tomato. "Jesus christ." Hyunjin walked into the kitchen. "Hyunjin was that you?" Felix asked while laughing. Hyunjin looked at me and his eyes widened when he saw it. He grinned and just said:"maybe" and laid down on the couch.
I ran upstairs to cover it up before my brothers sees it.

I went back downstairs where felix and han were still laughing like little kids. "Stop being so silly you-"

"You what?" My brother entered the kitchen. "You sunshine." I saved myself. "chan did you know y/n has a big hickey on her neck?" Felix shouted. I gave him the dead stare. Chan looked at me confused as fuck.
"Really. Show me!" He came running at me. I tried to run away in the living room. He catched up and threw me on the couch. "Where is it and who did this." He laughed and i tried to knock him away from me. I screamed really loud so the whole dorm heard me. "Hah i found it but why is it so big who did this."

I looked at hyunjin who was sitting on the other side of the living room and he just grinned at me. Chan looked back at him and his jaw dropped. "Hyunjin? Did you do this?" Hyunjin just looked at me and then at my brother and said. "Yes i did so what?" Chan's eyes widened. "Shit this is embarrassing." I quietly said. "I knew this would happen." Chan just said and walked away. I took a glance at hyunjin and he was already staring at me.

Hyunjin pov:

Well i guess chan knows about me and y/ns little fling. I didn't know we went so hard that i actually gave her a hickey. Today was music show day for our latest comeback. Y/n decided to stay in the dorm. We arrived at the stage and lots of fans were waiting outside. I love seeing our fans they make me so happy.

I was sitting on the chair and ppl did my make up and i just thought about y/n. "That's because i don't hate you" kept on replaying in my head. I smiled to myself. When we got on stage i just had to think about her and my mood would be way better. We also got our first win for our new comeback which made us happy. Han said we should throw a party when we get back home and we all agreed.

At home i immediately went up to her room to see her. She was laying on her bed and watching something on her phone. I knocked on her door.
"Can i come in?" I asked. "Yea sure! I opened the door and smiled. I sat next to her and she just kept looking at her phone. To get her attention i kissed her forehead. She immediately looked at me and smiled. She put her phone away and hugged me. I was surprised but hugged her back. Now we both laid next to eachother and just cuddled. "Hyunjin, you know what." She whispered. "I like you." She looked up to me and my heart skipped a thousand beats. "I like you too, alot actually." I responded. Her eyes sparkled like a thousand stars and i got lost in them again.

She hugged me even tighter and closed her eyes. As soon as i heard that y/n was coming back to korea to visit chan i couldn't stop thinking about her. Even though the thing we had in 2019 wasn't big i still loved her. We basically had a onenightstand but it meant alot to me. And when she confessed her feelings to me two days ago i knew that she felt the same as me. And before i could think of anything more i also fell asleep.

While we were sleeping Seungmin came into her room to call her downstairs

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While we were sleeping Seungmin came into her room to call her downstairs. When he saw as us sleeping he just said ew gross. And went back downstairs to tell chan she doesn't wanna come party.

Then chan came to her room and saw us like this. He quickly took a picture and woke me up.
"What is it." I said. "I know you guys are really comfortable right now but we want to celebrate so wake my sister up and tell her to come downstairs." He smirked at me and left the room.

I smiled and looked at y/n. She peacefully slept and i didn't wanna wake her up. "Hey y/n wake up." I tapped her shoulder. She groaned and opened her eyes. "Oh my god." She sat up and looked at me. "Did we just fall asleep like that?" "Yes we did." Her eyes widened."Im so sorry I'll get up and go downstairs!" She stood up and ran out of the room. I was confused but followed her downstairs. Where alot of soju bottles were standing and han seemed very drunk.

"How is our couple doing?" Felix asked and came up to us. "Felix stop you're drunk right now." I laughed. I walked to the counter and poured myself a glass too and chugged it and so did y/n. "Okay guys, everyone get a glass and were gonna drink altogether." Chan said, one moment later we all stood in a circle and spilled soju down out throats. Y/n had to cough and laughed.

Y/n pov:

I wanted to get drunk i havent been drunk in ages. I turned on the tv to put on some music. I just sang along to it. I really had the urge to pee so i went up the stairs or more like tried to since i was pretty drunk.

I closed the bathroom door and did my thing. When i opened the door hyunjin stood before it. "Oh im sorry." I said. He just walked into the bathroom which made me have to walk backwards. I stopped at the sink and hyunjin trapped me in between his arms." Hyunjin?" He grinned and smashed his lips on mine. He lifted me up so i was sitting on the sink. We kept on making out. I placed my hands under his shirt to feel his abs, he grinned and took it off. He picked me up and went to my room and locked the door. He placed me down on the bed and crawled on top of me. I took of my shirt while he was still kissing me.



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