*- awkward silence-*

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Y/n pov:
i woke up with a bad headache. I remembered what happened last night. I confessed my feelings to him. Thats gonna be awkward.

I got up and just threw a hoodie and some sweatpants over my body. I entered the kitchen and saw chan sitting infront of the kitchen island. "Morning!" He said. "Morning channie" i tried putting on a fake smile. To my luck Hyunjin entered the kitchen. I ignored his eyes on me. My heart still hurts and i can't do anything about it. Chan just looked at us two. I knew hyunjin would tell chan what happened. I sighed and left the kitchen.

Hyunjin Pov:

She left the kitchen without saying a word or even looking at me. I don't know what to do.
"Hyunjin wake up you have to talk to her." Chan stood up. "Hyung, she said she hates me and that i should leave her alone." "Jin look at her she's broken, i know that she doesn't hate you she just tries to avoid her feelings." Chan gave me a encouraging smile and i left the kitchen.

Today is saturday which means we have some freetime. I just practiced my dancing a bit and drew. I painted two humans facing eachother in silence and the background was just gray. When i was finished i noticed i accidentally drew y/n.

In the evening we ordered pizza and decided to watch some tv. Y/n sat next to felix which made my blood boil. They laughed together and she seemed totally fine. I sat next to seungmin. He noticed that something was off and just patted my shoulder. When the movie ended we all decided to go to bed.

Y/n pov:

I had so much fun with felix that i forgot about hyunjin. It was late at night when i woke up for some reason. I couldn't fall asleep again so i took my phone and turned the flashlight on. I carefully walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I entered the kitchen when i heard something behind me. I turned around and someone was standing infront of me. To prevent my screaming he placed his hand on my mouth. It was hyunjin. "It's me stop screaming."
He said my name. I stared in his black eyes. I noticed his sad expression. " Do you really hate me, stop acting like you don't care about me."

I turned around. "Hyunjin, i already told you please let me forget you, i cant do this"
I wanted to leave the kitchen when he held me and placed me back infront of him.
"Dont do this to me." He whispered.
"Hyunjin let me go." "Hyunjin i said let me-"
He hugged me. I was so surprised but i remembered i had to play cold. I tried to let myself go. But he was too strong.

"Hyunjin please let me go." My voice broke and tears started to form in my eyes. He just looked up but i felt that he also started to cry. "Hyunjin please." I just sobbed into his chest.
"Why are you avoiding me? I just want to know."
"Hyunjin i dont have time for love neither do you and i live in Australia." I looked up to him.
the kitchen got silent we just stared at eachother.
"Now please let me go im tired." He let me go and i walked away. And turned around before i left the kitchen. I saw how disappointed he was. I smiled softly and walked upstairs.

I woke up because sun rays hit my face.
I hope i can avoid hyunjin all day so it won't be awkward.
When i got downstairs the whole group was gathered around the table eating. "Good morning sleepy head!" Chan laughed at me. He knows that i wake up late. I sat down and ate some bread with honey.
"Okay guys so i have an idea. Its gonna be really warm so i thought we could go to the beach." Chan announced. Everyone agreed and i went upstairs to pack my things. I packed my prettiest bikini.

We sat down in the car and ofc i had to sit next to hyunjin.
I looked out of the window and when i looked at hyunjin he was already looking at me. The members were so loud in the background but the silence between us was louder.

We arrived at the beach and as soon as we put our towels and food on the sand the boys ran into the water. And ofc i had to run too. We splashed eachother with water and just had fun.

Hyunjin pov:

She looks so gorgeous when her hair is wet.
Chan told me the members had a plan
They started throwing members in the air wich is typical for skz. Then they took y/n and threw her up.
She landed right next to me and i saw that her bikini top flew off. She dived up and gasped. She covered her chest while looking around. "Wait stay here ill find it for you." I said to her and she smiled at me. I saw the top in the distance and got it for her.
"Thank you so much!" She widely smiled at me wich seemed like an actual smile. I looked back at the members and han and minho were laughing at me. I knew this was planned by them. I turned around and y/n already had the top on and swam back on land.
I got back too and chan just gave me the proud look.
We stayed for two more hours and had fun.
On the drive back home y/n fell asleep and she rested her head on my lap. Han took so many pictures of us for no reason. I just stared at her and smiled. Maybe she doesn't hate me after all and chan was right. She's just afraid of love.


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