chapter 3

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Hey everyone sorry for taking so long to uodate, but i am back. i finally got my leg to heal and work has been a pain. An judt recently found out that i was preagnant. So that is exciting. Updates will be slow but i will try and get them out. this chapter is goimg to be more on Kairiki and Tonowari.

Kairiki talking

Tonowari talking


et's begin:

Kairiki stood and watched the ocean .waves as the lapped across the beach and the sea creatures swam aroumd. The creatures of the air laid around him resting beside him. Tus'tey was with the hunting parties and the young were off with theor teachers.

Tonowari watched as the tall Na'vi gaze out into the ever expanding ocean. He was slightly nervous to walk closer due to the natice creatures of his home that rested net to the warrior. Because there is nothing else he could be. Though dispitet these facts he had many questions to ask the one known as Kairiki.

Walking closer he noticed as how the Ilu's lifted their heads out of the water whilebthe banshees stood and screached at him. With just a wave ofKairikis' hand they all settled down. Kairiki turnef his head and looked at him. For whay reason dobyou seek me out Olo'eyktan of the Metkyina clan?  Tonowari was silent for a few moments before finally speaking.

When you first showed up with Jake sully there was a feeling about you that made me feel like you have always been here with us.  That you were apart of the clqn qnd were just returning from a long journey.  The animals of our home trust you like you were one of their ow, and yet I can't figure out a reason for this feeling of belonging?

Kairiki stood there looking at him for a lomg moment before turning fully to the man. He gazed at the man trying tk figure out what to say. I am a being that is older than most can comprehand. Some call me Etu brother of Eywa. others call me the first and yet my name changes for many. I was awoken by my sister do to the sky people coming. Now i am a father to three  and mate.

Tonowari looked at him shocked. Everything that he was just told made so much sence but also popped uo more questions. Why would the brother of Eywa apear now? After a long moment of slilentce he stepped closer being careful of the banshees as he moved forward. he reached closer and planced a hand on Kairikis' arm. 

For whatever reason you chose to be here, weather it be for friends, family, or your sister our mother Eywa. I thank you for bejng here in our precense.


So what do you all think? please tell me how i am doing so far on this story.

Also if you would like to drop some name suggestions for my kid i would appreciate it.

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