Chapter 2

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Hey everyone I know this is probably short, but I don't have a beata reader and between work and my leg needing surgery not much can be done. I will try and due an update a week between this story and my other one. So without further ado please enjoy and comment on what you think.

Kairiki sat at the edge of their hut on the water while Jake and his family huddled around to talk. Tsu'tey Sat with Ewseiw, Luahoo, and Aayi near the rest of the Sully family. He kept half an ear out to listen while the other part of his attention was out on the water and listening to nature as his little sister explained to him everything that was going on around them.

The water lapped at his feet and he could only smile as the creatures below swam around slightly tickling his toes. The next day the children started their swimming lessons with Ao'nung and Tsireya. Tsu'tey was uneasy with his young in the water but Jake wished for all to get along and try and pull their weight to find a place to belong in this clan.

Jake, Tsu'tey and Kairiki stood chest deep in the water with the clan head Tonowari, though Kairiki stood about thigh height in the water and was still getting questioning looks from the warriors and people of the Metkayina clan, but he did not wish to divulge as to who he is. Tsu'tey was watching Jake as he was being stubborn and trying to ride a warrior's mount.

Tonowari was trying to dissuade him but it was not working. Tsu'tey had this smug look on his face like he knew what was going to happen.

After a few minutes of what looks like the beginning of a good first start Jake lost his grip mer moments after entering the water. Tsu'tey laughed, calling him a scown and being and stupid for not listening to Tonowari.

Though when Tsu'tey got on he did not last any longer than Jake. Tonowari offered Kairiki to try but due to his size he would not have fit. Though the skimwing looked like it wanted to try and was almost docile next to him witch the warriors of the Metkayina clan found odd do to it's strong willed nature. Smiled, but shook his head and followed along with them as Jake and Tsu'tey took many more tries before they moved onto other lessons.

When not with his mate Kairiki stood and watched over the children. They were learning better and better each day that passed with the lessons of the chief's children.

Ewseiw, Luahoo, and Aayi stood on the outer edge of the water as Kiri sat in the water looking down at the sand, until boys of the Metkina clan walked over and started bugging Jake sully's children. His two older brothers stepped up to stop the young from bothering their sister. Not soon after it resulted in a fight between all the boys. After all this was over the kids were separated and they all followed back to their place of resting. Jake bit into his two other boys.

Tsu'tey looked at his only son. Aayi did not have a mark on him which he was glad for, but he was also slightly mad that he did not help to defend his friends from those which harmed them. The look of disappointment on his face made his son feel ashamed of what he did. Kairiki did not know what to do in this situation. He placed his hands on Tsu'teys tense shoulder. He did not defend those of his family this is true, but if he were to set in, this would look a lot worse than it already is my mate let us leave it at this.

He was tense for a few moments before nodding an walking away. Kairiki stood there for a second wondering if he made the right decision before hearing Jake as his the other kids looked worse they his young did. He chuckled slowly before leaving and heading out to the water.

Sorry it is so short. Will try and make it longer next chapter.

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