43 - A Dance To Remember

393 18 16

musical mood: gilded lily – cults

The prank took place the next Monday. Cass figured on a Monday night, most of the Hufflepuff students would be in bed rather early, compared to a weekend. And George had the nerve to call her a goody-goody.

"This is a terrible idea." Cass muttered to George as they made their way to the cupboard that was directly across from a pile of barrels, that George insisted was the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. How he knew this was up in the air - since when did he talk to Hufflepuffs? The only one Cass had ever seen him speak to was Cedric, and he was constantly rude to him.

"Come on, Cassie, it's brilliant. Hide in a cupboard, eavesdrop for the password, it's pure genius."

"I still don't understand why I have to be in the cupboard with you." She sighed. "Wouldn't it be easier for you to stake it out on your own, then come to get me in the kitchens when you figure it out?"

"Maybe." George shrugged. "But where's the fun in that? Besides, I like the company."

"Does everything have to be fun for you?"

"Yes, absolutely everything."

She sighed again, running a hand through her hair as she shook her head. "You're ridiculous."

"So you've said. Many, many times."

They approached the cupboard, George swinging the door open and motioning for Cass to enter. "Ladies first."

"Such a gentleman." She rolled her eyes as she stepped inside, shifting awkwardly as George shut the door behind them. It was cramped, and stuffy, with only the edge of the door as a source of light and a peephole to keep watch for a Hufflepuff to come by with the password. George's shoulder was brushed against hers, as she stared out through the crack in the door. She didn't trust him to not prank her by keeping her in there longer than needed.

"Do you see anyone?" George asked, his voice low, not quite a whisper, but quieter than usual.

She shook her head. "Someone should come soon, though. It's nearly curfew."


A silence fell between the two.

"I'm bored."

Cass turned to glare at George. "It's been like five minutes."

"Yes, and?"

"And, how can you already be bored? This was your idea, after all."

He shrugged, his shoulder nudging into hers as he did, the sensation sending goosebumps down her back.

"What's your favourite colour?" George asked, completely out of nowhere.


"What's your favourite colour?" He repeated.


"Just trying to pass the same." George shrugged. "I think someone's favourite colour says a lot about them."

"It's green."

"Ew, like Slytherin?" He scrunched his nose up, though Cass could tell he was joking.

"No, like...grass. Grass green."

"Any reason why?"

She bit down on her tongue, unsure if she should speak. But she did, without commanding herself to, like her mouth had a mind of its own. "Green reminds me of Connor. We, er, we used to sneak out in the middle of the night, and meet up at the park. We'd lay on the grass and watch the sun rise, and talk about running away. His eyes are also green...well, more of a hazel, actually, but..."

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