ˣᵒ | SIX | ∞

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The next morning, Dae woke up from sleeping on the floor of his bedroom the night of and made it his mission to talk to Kitty if it was the last thing he did

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The next morning, Dae woke up from sleeping on the floor of his bedroom the night of and made it his mission to talk to Kitty if it was the last thing he did.

"Kitty, me and Yuri, it's not real. It's all fake" Dae said as he knocks on the door of his room.

"Will you just open the door so I can explain?" He asked, waiting for the girl's response.

"Begging is not a good look" Minho says as he and Quincy comes out of their room. "I wasn't begging. I was just trying to get my pants" Dae lies. Dae steps aside as Minho was the second person to knock on the door. "Listen, you squatter, we have to get ready for the first day of school" Minho states.

Nothing was heard from the other end, confusing the three boys.

"Don't make us late" Minho said.

He places another heavy knock on the door and it creeks open. Q and Minho walks into the room and Kitty was nowhere to be found. "And she's gone" Quincy sighed. "Sweet" Minho grins. "Dae, don't worry about it. We'll-" Quincy says, trying to comfort his friend with his word of advice as he and Minho turned around.

The front door of the dorm opens and closes as Dae ran out.

Minho chuckles as he looks over at his friend.

"And he's gone too" Quincy mutters.

∞ ˣᵒ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˣᵒ ∞

Taking selfies in a garden place, Dae let's out a sigh of relief when he notices that Kitty hadn't left yet.

"Kitty!" Dae called out as he ran up to her.

"I've been all over campus trying to find you" He caught his breath. Kitty tucks some of her hair behind her ear and crossed her arms as the boy in front of her talked. "Listen, what you saw yesterday, me-" Dae says before a call interrupts him. Taking a glance at the phone, Kitty raised an eyebrow at the contact name.

He silences it and continues.

"Sorry. Um- The truth is that-" The call from Dae's phone was made again. "Why is she calling me?" Dae questions before silencing his phone again. "'Cause she's your girlfriend" Kitty scoffs as she tries to grab her things to leave again. Dae doesn't hesitate to stop her. "Just let me explain, Kitty" Dae said.

"No. After everything, there's nothing you can say that's gonna make me stay" Kitty says before she goes to grab her jacket and suitcase.

Dae sighs and pulls her back into him by the forearm as he places a hand on her waist and hers on his chest.

"Maybe there's something I can do" Dae says as he stares at her lips for a moment before making eye contact with Kitty.

"It's happening" Kitty thought as they both leaned in. "Dae Heun!" A man from afar called out in Korean. "Dad?" Dae questions in Korean. "Dad?" Kitty repeats with raised eyebrows. "Yes, Finally. A word I know" She smiled. "Your dad is Yuri's driver?" Kitty goes to question Dae but he goes over to his dad.

"Sorry" He apologizes.

"I thought your family-" Kitty frowns as the confusion grows more as to why her ex boyfriend lied again.

"What are you doing here?" Dae asks in Korean. "President Han is looking for you" His dad responds in the same language. "Why me?" Dae asked again. "That's what I was gonna ask you. Let's get going" Dae's dad tries to get his son to the car in a hurry. Something big was happening and he wanted some answers.

Dae backs up and shakes his head. "Wait, one moment, I need to talk to-" Dae points behind him as he spoke. His dad shook his head at his son and leads his son away. "No, no, we have to get going" The man said. "No" Dae tried to protest. His father gave Kitty a head nod and a soft smile before leaving her be.

"President Han, your daughter seems to have paid Dae Heun's tuition" One of the men near the car told Yuri's father, who owns the Han Hotel franchise, Mr. Han.

"It seems her feelings for him are sincere" The man says. "We'll take over the payments. As part of his new internship" Mr. Han said. "Internship?" Yuri questions. "Yes, sir" The man nods. "And here's the NDA for him to sign" The man hands the famous business man a folder.

"Why is he wearing pajamas outside?" Yuri's dad asked.

Moments after, Yuri hurriedly gets out of her car and walks up to Dae with a forced smile.

"You" Mr. Han points to the man he was previously talking to. "Yes?" The man responds. "Take off your suit" He says. "My... My suit?" The man asked as he pats on his new suit. "Hey, we've got to go to the press conference" Yuri said. "What press conference?" Dae asked, confused as ever. He walks over to her and leans closer to her ear.

"You said I could make up with Kitty tomorrow. Tomorrow's now today." Dae stated in Korean; "Our deal is over".

"The situation has changed" Yuri replied.

She turns around with a sigh as she pushed Dae closer to the car and he gets in. Kitty tries to make sense of what was happening as she walks out of the with her suitcase. Yuri spots Kitty and walks over to her. "We have some important family business now, otherwise I'd offer you a ride" Yuri says as a fake smile and a hint of sass.

"But I'd be happy to call you a Kakao taxi" She waved her phone in hand.

"Hard pass" Kitty scrunched her nose up and returns the same fake smile.

Yuri and Kitty stared at each other for a moment. Yuri looks her up and down before pressing her lips together. "Well, bon voyage" Yuri says, shrugging as she walks away. Kitty then frowns as Dae looks at her from the car and the door starts to close.

The car starts up and they drove away.

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