ˣᵒ | THREE | ∞

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"Hello?" Kitty questions as she makes it to her dorm room

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"Hello?" Kitty questions as she makes it to her dorm room.

She placed her suitcase aside and took off her shoes near the door. She goes to look around the quiet dorm and checks the rooms. No one was there but their luggage was. Kitty shrugs it off and goes back to her suitcase and heads into her new room for the year. Her phone rings as it receives a FaceTime call and she doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Hi, Dad" Kitty waved. "Hey, kitten. Everything going okay?" Kitty's dad, Daniel, asked. "You all settled into your room?" Kitty nods. "Yeah, I don't know where my roommates are but their stuff's here so" Kitty stated as she walked around the room. "I'm sure they'll love you" Daniel says.

"I think I met somebody from Mom's photo album today. But she acted like she didn't remember who Mom was" Kitty told her father. "Well, it was a long time ago" Daniel reminds his daughter. Kitty hums and nods again. "Yeah, I guess". "I just can't believe I'm gonna be meeting other people who knew Mom" Kitty beams.

"Well, think about it. You'll be walking on the same paths to class that she did, studying in the same library," Daniel briefly explains all the amazing things his daughter would be doing while at her new school.

"You might even be in the very same dorm room that she was in right now" Daniel smiled. Kitty's eyes widened and she shivered. "I just got chills" She says. "Ah, that's probably 'cause you'll see Dae soon" Her dad chuckled. "Ha-ha but that's true too. I do have butterflies right now" The auburn haired girl said.

"I'm going to see him in approximately 184 minutes" She yawns; "At the welcome party".

"Well, have a great time and remember—" Daniel says before Kitty cut him off. "I'm not having another talk about contraceptives with you" She said. "Dae and I haven't even kissed. Yet" Kitty grins as she sits down on her bed. "I was gonna say, remember, the only way to get over jet lag is to stay awake as long as possible" Daniel stated over the phone with a chuckle.

"Yes, staying awake. Got it" Kitty nodded before blowing kisses; "I love you".

"Love you too" Daniel says. The call ended, Kitty sighs and looked around her room. "Okay, stay awake" She tries to encourage herself. "I'm staying awake" Kitty lied down on her bed. "I am so awake" She mutters before her heavy eyelids closed.

Moments later, Kitty was deep asleep.

∞ ˣᵒ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˣᵒ ∞

"Hey roomie, you made it!" One of Althea's roommates, Jazmine Evans, hugged her.

"You look amazing" She said as she lets the girl go. "Thanks" Ally smiled. "You wanna go dance?" Jazmine asked. "Yeah, sure" Ally nodded. "Come on" Jazmine grabs her hand and leads her to small dancing circle.

After twenty minutes of dancing and singing, Ally took a break.

She walked over to the table that had different fruits and food on it. Ally grabs a plate and grabs only the chocolate covered strawberries. "Hey, you made it!" A dude says as he walks up to the strawberry eating girl. Ally looks to her side, hums and gives Duke a smile. "Unfortunately, yeah" Ally chuckled.

Their conversation continued for a while before a Korean boy and a lightskin Filipino boy walks up to the two.

"Told you it was him. What's up, D" The Korean boy says. "What's up" Duke greeted his friends. Althea grabs more fruit as the trio talked. "Q, Min Ho, this is—" Duke motions to Ally to introduce her but he stops himself. "Come to think of it, you never told me your name" Duke said. "I'm Althea, you can call me Ally" Althea says.

"Well, Althea, these are my friends; Min Ho and Quincy" Duke stated. "What's up" Quincy said. "Nice to meet you" Min Ho gave a half smiled. "Hey" Ally waved to the two. It didn't take long for the boys to find a topic to talk about. Ally simply stood beside Duke and laughed at the jokes that were made.

"Hey, I'm going to get a drink. I'll be back" She told Duke, not pulling Min Ho and Quincy out of their conversation.

"Cool. You want me to come with you?" Duke asked. "Sure" Althea nods. They both walked to the punch table together. "You look beautiful by the way" Duke says as he hands the shorter girl a cup for her drink. "Aw, thanks" Ally blushed.

Completely lost, A girl who was looking around for her boyfriend bumps into Min Ho.

"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry" Kitty quickly apologized. "God. Watch where you're going" Min Ho said as he and Q turned around. "So you do speak English" Kitty points to Min Ho. Quincy laughs; "Busted". Duke
and Ally walked up their friends. "Kit, hey!" Ally smiled as she gave the girl a side hug. "Ally!" Kitty beams.

"Thank god, you came I was completely lost here" She said.

"Welcome to KISS" Quincy said to Kitty. "Don't feel bad. He loves to pull this move on people" He added. "Yeah, He did it to us the first time we met" Duke says. "Goddamn it, Q, this is bespoke" Min Ho groans. "Shut up about the clothes" Quincy says before he noticed someone.

"Look at our boy" The curly hair boy said as he points behind Kitty. "Where did Dae get that suit?" Min Ho asked in shock. "Yo, Dae!" Duke called out. Kitty turned around and her eyes widened at the sight of her boyfriend. Kitty wasted no time to run into his arms for a hug.

"Are you so surprised to see me?" Kitty asked, happily.

"Are you kidding me? You're blowing my mind right now" Dae said.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I transferred to KISS" Kitty answered. "I got a scholarship and everything! We get to spend the entire year together" Dae picks her up into another hug, spinning her around for a moment then she lands back on her feet. Kitty smiled as she was now closer than before.

"Uh, wait, Kitty. I need to tell you something" Dae said.

A Korean girl in a hot pink dress walked up to Dae, wrapping her arm in his and tilts her head. Kitty knew her. The girl, Yuri, gave her a ride to the school when she didn't catch the bus in time and her driver hit with their car. "Kitty?" Yuri smiled.

"Is her arm on his arm?" Kitty question in thought. "You look amazing" Yuri says. Kitty simply looked between the two and their arms. "Why is her arm on his arm?" She thought. "This is Dae" Yuri motioned to Dae. "The person you were telling me about in the car?" Kitty asked, almost speechless.

"Yeah, my boyfriend" Yuri nodded.

Ally gasps and placed her hand over her mouth. "Plot twist" Ally scoffed, glaring at Dae. Kitty turned away from the two and hurriedly walked away, headed to the entrance. "Excuse me" Kitty says to a boy she bumped into. "Kit!" Althea called out. "Sorry" Kitty says to someone as she makes it out of the room.

"This can't be happening!" She thought in a panic.

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