Chapter 19: Frozen

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"Magic is worthless against me. You will kneel before me in death." Arthas said rushing towards Jack.

Arthas started to swing his sword for a couple of times, but Jack jumps around to dodge his attacks and lands behind The Lich King and strike him with a blast, hitting him.

Jack, a bit surprised, suddenly readies his defense as Arthas looks at the guardian.

"Didn't I tell you, magic doesn't work on me?" Arthas said before laughing.

"I know..." Jack said with a smirk.

"Let's just say that... you're no fun." He added.

"Let's see if you have fun with this." Arthas said before releasing a couple of drudge ghouls and rush towards Jack.

Jack started tumbling around and shooting a couple of blasts against the ghouls. Some of them got hit, but others kept dashing against Jack.

Jack started spinning his staff and hits the end of it at the ghouls as they freeze in an instant. Jack suddenly charges at Arthas and hits his staff against the Frostmourne, causing more snow to fly from the arena.

In the audience, a snowman is suddenly walking and was amazed that there is more snow than he ever felt.

"Wow.... that snow fight is amazing as ever! I mean, I know I love summer, but this is way cooler than I imagined!" The snowman said.

"Wait. That was a pun, wasn't it?"

"Olaf!" A girl voice called as Olaf sees two girls in a distance.

"Elsa! Anna! Check it out!" Olaf said as they looked.

"Who is the young guardian who has a stick as a weapon?" Olaf asked.

"Jack Frost, if I'm not mistaken." Anna said.

"He is also a spirit like me... but he is quick witted as a fighter. I'm impressed." Elsa compliments with a smile.

"Are you blushing Elsa?" Anna asked, which made Elsa widen her eyes.

"No! But let's get going. Humans are in grave danger because of this." Elsa said as they continued watching.

The winds howl stronger from afar as a girl who wields a bow and arrow see how Arthas fights the guardian.

"I may despise Arthas, but this is not going well with the young boy."

"You're absolutely right, Sylvanas." Sylvanas suddenly looked around and sees a skeleton wrapped with chains and a purple cape.


"This young boy wouldn't last long if Arthas uses his full power. He will stop at nothing for him to serve him to the death." Kel'Thuzad explains.

"No matter what he can do, he will not escape from The Lich King's power."

Jack and Arthas are pushing their weapons against each other, but Arthas has more strength to make Jack kneel and grunt.

"Give in, Jack Frost... you cannot defeat me."

Jack is now on his knees, but he shoots another ice blast so powerful that Arthas was pushed away, letting go of Frostmourne.

Jack started flying around looking for a possible weakness where he can hit Arthas.

"Flying won't work." He said as he started levitating to match with Jack.

Arthas started creating an ice sphere within seconds and shoots it against Jack. The guardian jumps and lands on the attack Arthas threw at him, he uses his staff to hit the sphere and is shattered from the attack.

But little did Jack know, Arthas is now behind him for a surprise attack.

"Jack! Look out!" North yells. As Jack looked behind, he easily blocked the attack, but it was too much force for the guardian to handle as he crashed in the arena.

"Jack!" Jamie yelled with worry in his eyes. As the snow cleared a little, Jack is grunting with that amount of force Arthas gave him.

"Okay... that's a surprising move. Not bad." Jack compliments.

"Now... time for me to find your weak spots."

"You will find nothing!!!" The Lich King yells as he charges again and slashes his Frostmourne for a couple of times with Jack holding his staff and blocking every slash.

With another slash, Jack dodges it and counters it with a front kick, forcing Arthas to move back. This time, Jack is the one charging at Arthas, bashing his staff against the Lich King's armor with a big impact, making him kneel.

"This is not gonna be your fight, Jack." The Lich King said.

"You made it my fight when you stole those innocent souls you captured!" Jack answered back from that statement.

"Do you want those souls back???" The Lich King asked before he stands up.

"You can have them."

He uses his sword and started summoning a bunch of dead souls that are getting up and swarming around Jack as he holds his staff.

"I will show you the true meaning of fear!" The Lich King said. Jack started looking around and is planning something for this fight.

"I'll take the ones on the left, then take the ones on the right?"

Record of Ragnarok (Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang