Secrets and Truths

Start from the beginning

This catches the campers' attention, minus Kenji, wanting to know the activity today. Dave was the next one to speak as he announced the activity, "Today we're going spelunking!"

"Spel-what?" Kenji asked in confusion, slowly getting up.

"Spelunking, as in cave exploring." Brooklynn said to Kenji, knowing that word since she's been exploring caves before on her videos.

"I knew that." Kenji said, trying to act all smart.

"Right and you know how to explore a cave without getting lost?" Kendall questions as Val handed her a water bottle while Hudson gives one to Yaz.

"...I can." Kenji mutters out, earning an eye roll from Kendall.

"We're really going cave exploring?" Val asked curiously.

"That's right! We're gonna explore one of Jurassic World's caves. The Prehistoric Cavern!" Dave said happily.

"There, you will find many bones and fossils of the dinosaurs." Roxie explains the activity, "Learning about the wonders within the cave, and guiding us in this activity is a special guest."

"Is it Ricky Rocks?" Brooklynn asked, "He's a famous cave explorer and has his own channel."

"No, unfortunately, he isn't available for a moment. But we asked someone else." Roxie said to the campers.

"Really, who?" Sammy asked curiously.

"We'll show you once we get there, so, come on!" Dave points at the exit, "Let's move out!"

The campers followed their counselors outside and towards the truck. As they got on, Roxie drove it towards the Prehistoric Cavern with Stiggy following them from behind. Once they reached the area, they saw a huge cave entrance along with park personnel setting up gears. The campers and their counselors got off the truck as they headed to the cave. There, they saw some spelunkers leaving, laughing, and commenting how awesome it was there.

"I wonder what got them so happy?" Kenji asked, watching them leave.

"They probably saw cool fossils there." Darius said with a grin, "I bet we could find rare fossils in there if we go deeper!"

"Ehehehe, yeah, that's not gonna happen, buddy." A familiar female voice said.

Turning around, they saw a teenage girl with black hair tied into a high ponytail, dark blue eyes, pale skin, and wearing an attire for adventuring. Both Val and Celestia gasped in realization as they recognized the girl before them. It was Dark Twilight, but in her human form. She came just in the nick of time because the girl that was spying for Mantah Corp. But she has to lay low for a while. She has to get her on the right time and get the info she needs. So, she has to keep her act together.

"Hello, everyone, Danica Temperance Grady, and I'll be your guide in the Prehistoric Cavern." Dark said, using her human name.

"Danica!" Val and Celestia exclaims happily, using her human name, since it is protocol. The two little girls ran towards Dark and hugged her, who returned by patting their heads.

"Hey, kiddos, how ya doin'?" Dark asked with a grin.

"Great!" Both said happily.

"Who is that?" Yaz asked Kendall curiously.

Kendall already knows what to do whenever Dark is in her human form, "That's Danica, she's the older sister of both Val and Celestia. She works part time here, but she works in the traveling agency."

"Wow, cool job for a cool girl." Brooklynn said, recording Danica.

"Yeah...she is..." Kendall said to Brooklynn with a slight hesitation.

The Little Girl goes to Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now