🥀Did you get enough love, My little Dove?🥀

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Feeling angsty rn so here some angst.

⚠️TW⚠️: Su!c!de, Self-Harm, Hanging, Blood, Knife. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read. (This topic even makes me a bit uncomfortable because I have thoughts of it.)

(Not adding pictures in this like I usually do)

Kiza's POV

"I talk to her siblings about her depression and how I could help....... who would've thought I'd be too late...." 

A Week Ago

"Kizaaaaaaa, can you come here please????" I heard Angela yell from the living room; "Yeeep, Be there in a sec!".

I walk into the living seeing Angela and Angelica playing uno, "Could you please get Angel for us?" Angelica asked me. "Why didn't y'all just call her?" I asked, "We did, she didn't respond." Angela tells me. "Oh, makes since; yea I'll go get her." I tell them.

I begin walking around the mansion, looking for Butterfly but wherever I look I can't seem to find her so, I go to Ace.

"Hey Ace, have you seen Angel?" I ask him, "No not since I helped her clean her wounds." He tells me. "Wounds?" I ask him, "Oh yea, she sliced her wrists again.." He tells me. "Is she ok?!" I ask in a panic, "Yes, she's ok; thinking about taking all sharps objects away from her and out of her reach though.." he tells me. "Well then, I'm going to go find her now." I tell him, "Your best bet would be to ask Alexander where she is, she tells him everything." he explains, "Ok, thank you." I say as I walk away.

*Mini time skip*

I walk outside to where Alexander told me that Butterfly told him where she was going.

As I walk up to the entrance of the forest, I see a bloody pocket-knife and a trail of blood. This made panic rise in me as my walking became running into the forest as I followed the blood.

After about 30 minutes of running, I came to where the blood ended but then saw a large puddle of blood behind a few trees. I walk behind the trees and my eyes widen in horror.

"B- Butterfly?............."

My heart sank as I saw my lover's body on the ground with rope around her neck, letting me know she was hanging but something cut the rope.

I rush right next to her and lay her head on my lap as tears fell from my eyes. "Butterfly, Please wake up...... Please please please!...." I beg as I look at her pale face, I see I note next to her body out of the corner so, I grabbed it and read it.

{Dear Kiza,

If you're reading this, it means I am gone. I'm sorry I never talked to you about it when you said I could, but the pain and voices in my head became to much for me to handle.

They say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but for me it's a permanent solution to a permanent problem. Please know that this was going to happen one of these days so, I decided to make it happen before our relationship got to serious.

Tell my siblings I love them and I wish them the best of luck in the world.

Kiza, Drow, love, whatever you prefer me to call you, I love you with every ounce of my being and I'm sorry it had to end far too soon but this is what is best for everyone. Y'all forget about me in a few months so don't waste your tears on something that isn't worth dwelling over, you deserve someone who can take care of you better than I could.

I'll be watching over you my love, so whenever you miss me, just go to Angelica. She'll be able to let you know how I'm doing also,  Well now I'm running out of space to write.

I love you, Kiza. Take care.

                                                                                            Love, Angel}

As I read the note, I felt a mix of emotions rise yet not just one could be clear.

I look back down at my lover's dead body, I lay my forehead on hers and begin crying.

"Why didn't you tell me....... and just weeks before I was going to purpose. I love you so much Angel, more than you will ever know....."

*Weeks Later*

I haven't eaten ever since then... I refuse to. We had a funeral and a proper burial for her, hurts to much without her...

I sat in my bed wrapped up in the blanket Angel made me as I stared at pictures of me and her. I felt tears run down my face as I stared at them, I then felt a warm and comforting sensation wrap around me. I smile a bit, knowing it was my Angel hugging me (see what I did there, not the time for jokes? ok-) not wanting me to cry over her.

My smiles fades, as the warmth leaves my side. Out of the corner of my eyes I see her old butterfly pin on my vanity, I get up and walk over to it. I stare at the pin for a second before putting it on, giving me the smallest bit a closure.

and as if it was the wind, I hear a small whisper

"I love you, Drow."

"I love you too, Butterfly."

(I cried while making this ;-;)

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