☁️🥀Is It Cheating If They Cheated First?🥀☁️

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(High School AU) (Slightly heated (?))

Angel's POV

Sitting in class was always boring but worth it when you're in the same class as your boyfriend AND best friend.

I glance over at my boyfriend, who was watching the girl in front of him, which made me jealous. I brush it off thinking I was over reacting, I look over to Kiza and see her watching my boyfriend, making sure he wasn't trying to hit on the girl he's watching.

"God, I love that girl." I think to myself, I truly do love her, but I was taken at the moment.

I zone out, staring at Kiza while daydreaming about me and her, until I was snapped back into reality when the bell rang.

"FINALLY FREE FROM THIS HELL FOR LUNCH!!" I heard Angela scream from the next room over. Me and Kiza look over at each other while grabbing our backpacks. We began laughing while running out the door just before the teacher could say anything about.

We run outside and ate our lunch while chatting, I excuse myself to go grab my drink that I left in the classroom.

Once I make it to the classroom, I see something I'll never forget.

My boyfriend kissing another girl.

I was about to say something to the two but the only thing that came out was a sob, I run out of the classroom and into the nearest restroom, sobbing my heart out. I slide down the wall onto the floor and cry.

Kiza's POV

I sit there waiting for Angel to return with her drink, but 15 minutes pass and still no sign of her. I get up and began walking towards the classroom.

As I make my way to the classroom I hear sobbing from the girl's restroom, I peak my head into the restroom and see Angel sobbing.

I rush over to her and hug her. "What's wrong?!" I ask in a panic, "He cheated...." She says.

That. Fucking. Bitch

"Hey, look at me. Everything will be ok, I promise." I say as I hug her closer.

*A week later* (Cause I'm tired as shit)

Angel's POV

I began walking to class as I see my ex laughing with his new girl, it broke my heart seeing him so happy after breaking me.

Before I could do anything, I'm pulled into the girl's restroom. I go to scream but I hear a familiar voice talk. "Hey shhhh, It's just me." Kiza said, I turn around and look her in the eyes.

"You scared the hell outa me." I say as I playfully smack her, "Will you please just get over him." Kiza suddenly says, catching me off guard.

"Excuse me?" I question, "You heard me." She says. I look at her like she's crazy and then say "I can't just get over him." "Well, I know something that might help." She says before pinning me to the wall.

I look up at her, blush forming on my cheeks. "K- Kiza." I stutter out before for she says, "Don't miss." and kisses me.

I stand there with wide eyes before closing them and kissing her back. The soft and passionate kiss quickly became a more heated and more meaningful one. She slips her tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch of it.

She breaks the kiss as a string of saliva connects us. I gasp for air before she pulls me back into another kiss equally as heated as the last.

She picks me up and pushes me further into her wall yet careful not to hurt me, she holds me close as we make out, deepening the kiss here and there.

I swear we would have gone farther if we didn't hear Angela clear her throat. We look over at her, blushing to death, my blush worsens when I hear my twin sister say, "At least take her out on the first date first.".

Kiza giggles at her comment, "Ok." She replies to my sister, she looks at me and asks, "Angel, will you go out with me?". I blush but quickly nod.

She smiles and kisses me again before walking to class with me.

God, I love that girl.


Blushed hard while writing this lol.

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