.ᴇᴘ 𝟹𝟿 - 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 .

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Taehyung booked his next flight with Jungkook to New Zealand.
Taehyung was nervous to meet his daughter even though Jungkook said that she knows Taehyung is her daddy still taehyung was so nervous.

After a long flight both taehyung and Jungkook landed in New Zealand and reached Eunwoo's house
TH: Ohh !! God !!! Jungkook i am so scared
Jungkook giggled
JK: she's just a little human not a monster
TH: i am nervous
And in the nervousness taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips
JK: ahn?! Do people kiss if their nervous?!
TH: I do
And with that they both got inside and Jungkook rang the doorbell and the door opened revealing Eunwoo and Yeosin ran from inside hugging her appa
Yeosin: Appppaaaaaaaaaaa ~ you are back homewe
JK: yes, i am back home but i bought a surprise too
Jungkook moved and taehyung was standing there and Yeosin didn't know how to react and she ran and hugged taehyung
TH: Pegooo ~ you too came .. tooo
She jumped in his arms
JK: buttercup, he didn't alone come here as your Pego but as your Dada too
Eunwoo felt like it was raining only for him when he heard that and Yeosin looked at taehyung
Yeosin: really?!!!!!!
Taehyung nodded his head as he hugged Yeosin and she did the same back and she broke the hug
Yeosin: but i am angry at Dada
Taehyung couldn't explain the sugar rush his body was feeling when he heard the word dada
JK: mmm ... Why are you angry at him?!
Yeosin: He did not come to see me
Everyone giggled the way she walked back inside
JK: she's just like you, such a attention seeker and a drama queen
Taehyung chuckled and Eunwoo invited them both inside, Eunwoo's bother and his parents greeted taehyung.
The family was having talks and Yeosin was acting like she was angry at taehyung while she was always around taehyung.

It was afternoon
They all had lunch and were talking in the living room
EUW: Jungkook I am leaving out i will see you later
JK: but where are you going?!
EUW: on a date
Eunwoo said as he closed the door
JK: as if he would dare to
Jungkook thought to himself and when Eunwoo came out he saw Daniel lurking around the house
EUW: *clears throat* looks like we have a very rich intruder here
Daniel looked at Eunwoo
Dan: Thank God!!! Finally i found the house .. i was searching as my boss just sent me the location alone
EUW: Get inside, everyone are inside only
Eunwoo glared at Daniel as he walked inside.

Eunwoo left for his appointment he walked inside the prison for the second time after that day with two cups of coffee in his hand and was waiting for Hosek in the waiting room and Jhope walked inside with no handcuffs or any police officers around him but he had a lot of followers around him and Eunwoo arched an eyebrow when he saw Jhope and Jhope smirked
JH: Looks like finally you came back for a coffee, you brat
Eunwoo leaned his back leisurely on the chair
EUW: So, are you ready to answer all my questions?!
Jhope took a sip of his coffee
JH: ofcourse i am always ready but let's go somehow this place is kinda suffocating
Eunwoo nodded his head and Jhope took Eunwoo inside the prison, Jhope was walking as if he owned this place and Eunwoo just looked at Jhope and he just controlled his laughter after some time Jhope took Eunwoo to a small place in the whole prison which looked like a small resting place with some food and drinks being served and everyone got up from their seats when Jhope arrived
JH: take your seat
Eunwoo scanned his surroundings and he bursted out laughing
EUW: Sunshine cafe?!!
Eunwoo looked at Jhope who was scratching his head
Men 1: This small place is named after our Boss because he's the sunshine of our lives
That was Eunwoo's last straw he was laughing his ass off, to the point his eyes teared up and he was holding his knees for support, Jhope scrached his head
JH: Yahh !!! Enough -- enough, enough get up now
EUW: omgyy *laughs* God... Let me take a picture of this place
Eunwoo took a picture and they both sat in a bench and Jhope ordered iced americano for both of them and Eunwoo's favourite cookies and the orders came too
EUW: that's my favourite cookies
Jhope ordered his men to leave the place and the place was vacated in a minute by everyone and Eunwoo rested his back leisurely on the chair as he crossed his legs
EUW: So ...
He took a sip of his coffee
JH: you said you have a bunch of questions to ask me?!
EUW: yes, i have a bunch but how do I believe that you will answer that all honestly?!
JH: I won't lie to you
Eunwoo was kinda flustered and he sat straight as he cleared his throat
JH: So ask me whatever you want and i will answer it
EUW: First question why do you hate love this much?!
Jhope looked at Eunwoo as he took a sip of his coffee
JH: and why do you want to know that?!
EUW: don't ask me cross questions and just answer my question will you?!
Eunwoo arched his eyebrows and Jhope nodded his head
JH: Jimin is not my own brother he's my step brother ... My father married a woman after my mother died due to health issues and i loved Jimin's mother as my own because she was like that, Jimin was a just a 1 year old baby when he came to our home and my father loved Jimin's mom so much maybe he acted too i don't know, one day when i came home back from school i saw my father stabbing my mother .. i thought he loved her so much but he didn't my mother caught the glimpse of my shadow and she shouted "hide" my father couldn't get it because he was busy watching my mother die
Eunwoo was blank he was like what did i just hear now
JH: i couldn't do anything I just stood there all scared ... I was scared of my own father, he walked pass me to the room Jimin was there ... He was about to kill him too but i held his leg and i begged him to leave Jimin alone and he asked to shut my mouth and leave but i didn't, i said I'll do anything and he created a scene like our mother was murdered and the case was closed because no one from her side came to ask her justice i did no know why my father killed my mother until one day he bought a another woman inside our house and had sex with her ... I watched them having sex
Eunwoo body hair rose up in goosebumps
JH: And i knew that my father cheated on my mother and she found that out and that's why he killed her and i decided on something
Jhope looked at Eunwoo before uttering another word
JH: i poisoned his food with rat killer medicine
Eunwoo choked on his coffee
EUW: WHAT?! --- what?! You did?!
JH: i poisoned his food with rat killer medicine and he died that night and that night I took Jimin and left from our house ... I cried and cried because she was such a loving woman even my own mother did not take care of me like that and my perception on love changed from that day ... All my life i lived for Jimin and i still do everyday
Eunwoo's eyes redened with tears he just got up from the seat and hugged Jhope who was sat opposite to him
EUW: I am sorry~
Jhope did not hug him back and Eunwoo broke the hug as he sat
JH: and me and Jimin were adopted in an orphanage and here i am .... The first crime was difficult but the next was not and that's why i did that i know i was wrong but i did it to save Jimin and the love i had for Jimin blinded my eyes from everything
EUW: I won't say what you did was correct no never but the situation made you do it, not everyone are same Hoseok i hope you will understand that
JH: I am trying too
Jhope nodded his head as he took a sip of his coffee
JH: next question
EUW: Wait I am trying to process what you said now
JH: *laughs* soon, i have work to do in he evening
EUW: *scoff* come on you act like you own this place
JH: but there are some prisoners duties that needs to be done though
EUW: Ahm okay Mr sunshine
Jhope rolled his eyes
EUW: So did you do something for taehyung and Jungkook to get together?!
JH: did they get together?!
Jhope asked surprised
EUW: OMG !!! Your acting doesn't work with me ... I know your men already would have informed you about it
JH: okay, you caught me there
EUW: So, tell me did you do something?!
JH: Yes, i lit the fire called Park Bogum
EUW: ya, i heard about that man from Jimin ... He said he's Jeon's uncle or something
JH: yes, they are and Jin and Jungkook are not actually Jeon's son's
Eunwoo's eyes widened up
EUW: what are you even saying?!
JH: yes, actually the Jeon loved Jin's mother who was actually his master's wife and he was working there as the master's personal assistant and the family believed him so much but he ended up siding up with the park's who just wanted money and promised him Mrs Lee
EUW: wait ---- wait ... I am confused?! So you are saying Jin and Jungkook are not the son of Jeon and their sir names are actually Park or something
JH: No, their sir names are Lee and Parks are Lee's step brother and wanted the whole property company and everything for themselves
Eunwoo's head was spinning
JH: The parks planned on killing the whole family but the plan was flopped and they were only able to kill Mr Lee and once Mr Lee died all his property and everything came to his wife and Mr Jeon took advantage of the situation and he married Mrs Lee at the time of Mr Lee's death Jin was 2yrs old and Mrs Lee was 6 weeks pregnant with Jungkook and Mr Jeon loved her so bad like very bad and he grew up both his sons like his own until one day the parks planned to kill Mrs Lee and that was the accident that happened and Jimin had to die and stuff.
Eunwoo couldn't believe whatever he was hearing he felt this like he was in a movie
JH: and when Mrs Lee died, Mr Jeon was so heartbroken that he blamed Jin who should have been dead in her place and Parks again searched for the property but they didn't know where it was until they joined hands with Mr Jeon and Mr Jeon who was so heartbroken and not in right mind thought he should take revenge against Jin and when he serached his wife cupboard and stuff he found the will Paper and the property were equally written in the name of Jin and Jungkook and the parks next Target were Jungkook and Jin and in the half way all this was known by taehyung
Eunwoo felt like his brain exploding
JH: The so called set up arranged Marriage between Jin and Joon was actually planned by taehyung
EUW: what about him and Jungkook?!
JH: we decided to take things slow but Bogum the second son of he Park entered the scene and taehyung didn't have any choice but to marry Jungkook
EUW: So, he didn't love Jungkook while he married him?!
JH: I too thought so but it was actually different he was very protective and sensitive over Jungkook his behaviour felt like he knew him already he knew him even before we started this revenge plan
EUW: why was this revenge was actually planned for?!
JH: My rage and anger towards the people who hurt Jimin was to the point that i was losing my mind and taehyung was so broken that he lost his best friend and i asked taehyung whether he's willing to join me and he said yes
EUW: what kind of master mind you have ahm?!
Jhope chuckled it's nothing anyway
EUW: So, how did the revenge go?!
JH: beautiful we took down the parks, Jackson the first son of the parks was killed by Namjoon and the second son
Jhope looked at Eunwoo
EUW: wait a minute you said you threw a bait to taehyung and Jungkook regarding Bogum and that's why they got together which means you people left Bogum alone in the revenge?!
JH: No, he actually escaped after handing over his father to us
EUW: what the fuck?? Did y'all find him?!
JH: actually we didn't find him but i found him
Eunwoo was confused
JH: taehyung doesn't know that i caught Bogum
EUW: OMG?!! Where is Bogum now?n
JH: probably eaten by some sharks
Eunwoo gulped
JH: I will sit 10 feet away from you
Jhope laughed and taehyung ordered something else too
EUW: what?!
Eunwoo was curious and jhope smirked
JH: We are killing Mr Jeon
Eunwoo was like what the fuck
JH: His sons will be sad but taehyung ordered and when taehyung asks me something and i never say no to him
Eunwoo was like what is happening he felt like he was hearing a super hero story but it was actually murder and murders
JH: So, do you have any more questions?!
EUW: Now does all the property belongs to the people who should own them?!
JH: yes, Jin and Jungkook holds half of the property of Seoul
Eunwoo's jaw dropped
EUW: The fuck do you mean by that little stubborn ass owns half of the Seoul with his brother
JH: what to do his father was rich af
EUW: I am asking him to pay all the medical fees i paid for his pregnancy and for his child care and for everything including house rent
Eunwoo said without a pause
JH: Jungkook doesn't know he owns that much money and same goes for his brother
EUW: anyways he'll come to know someday though and his husband is rich af on the other side and my ass is working shifts after shifts to earn money
Jhope looked at Eunwoo
JH: dont say like that you do the most prestigious job in this whole world that is saving lives ... Someone who doesn't know you trusts their life with you they trust their loved ones with you .. no one can do what you do
Eunwoo's cheeks felt warm and his ears turned red
EUW: Enough !!! Enough ! You are talking too much truth today
Jhope laughed as he took the last sip of his coffee
EUW: okay, Hoseok i will have to leave or else Jungkook will keep on calling me and he acts like my elder brother while I am actually elder to him
Eunwoo took his bag and he was about to leave when Jhope spoke
JH: you asked me plenty of questions may i ask you one?!

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