.ᴇᴘ 𝟷𝟽 - 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒.

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(Joon's pov)

Everything was blurry when i opened my eyes, i was hearing the faint noises of the machines doing beep noises my body felt numb i was in terrible pain, my eyes blurred opened it was dim dark i turned my head towards my right and i saw him, i saw my warmness, my little hope, my little trust lying his head on the bed as he was holding my hand tight, i smiled knowing he would be there now and for forever right?!, Kim Seokjin my husband will be with me right?! I asked myself as i gripped his hand back and in that little touch of my gripness he got up from his sleep and he looked at me, tears filling his eyes, words failed to come out from his mouth and i was seeing emotions in his emotionless eyes and that was for me , the tears he let out screamed a sense of relief, he quickly clicked the emergence button which was next to him, muffled sobs were heard and the doctors rushed inside immediately
(End of Joon's pov)

Jin was unexplainably happy that Joon woke up, because it was straight three days after the incident he was unconscious and everyone was worried the whole Kim family was in Finland for Joon, Joon's incident made to the headlines of South Korea's business world, no one knows the culprit except for Joon and taehyung was so freaking anxious and worried
Jin came out of the room and tae just entered the hallway, when he saw Jin crying he rushed to him
TH: Hyung?! What happened?!!!!
Panic was evident in his face
TH: Tell me hyung?!!!!!
He held Jin's shoulders and asked him
Jin: Joo--n ---- *sobs*
TH: what happened to Hyung?!
Jin: He ---- woke up taehyung
Jin said and he knelt down on his knees crying and taehyung breathed in relief as he wiped his tears
TH: My hyung is back *smiles*
The doctors came out from the room after checking Joon
Dr: Mr Kim
And both of them looked at the doctors
Dr: Namjoon is all fine and good, we will keep him in observation for the next 2 days and then we can discharge him
TH: Thank you doctor
And with that the doctor left and tae rushed inside the room and he saw his hyung, tears flowing down from his eyes as he rushed and hugged his hyung and Joon smiled
TH: You pabo, you scared the shit out of me hyung
NJ: ya?! How dare you use a curse word ahm?!
Taehyung hugged a bit tight and Joon hissed in pain
NJ: Sir, Kim taehyung i am still in pain
And tae backed off as he wiped his tears
NJ: are you really happy that i am back or ?!! ---
TH: shut up!!!!! Hyung ?!!!
Joon giggled as he nodded his head and there rushed another two people the people who bought Joon to this earth
Mrs Kim: Omgg !!! Omyyyy my son , God my son is back
She hugged her first son and she breathed in relief as the world was breathing fine now
Mr Kim: you scared the hell out of us Joon?! Are you okay now?!
NJ: i am doing better appa
And now the last person rushed inside it was none other than his brother in law Kim Jungkook
JK: Hyung !!!! Finally, finally you are back to us, thanks to th heavens
TH: thanks to me then
Taehyung teased Jungkook and Joon just smiled but his eyes was searching for someone, but that someone did not even come inside his eyes were searching and taehyung understood it and he went to call Jin who was standing outside
TH: Jin hyung come inside hyung is searching for you
Jin lifted his head and looked at taehyung, his eyes were so red and he was looking so broken
TH: come in hyung
And tae took Jin inside but his head was always down, Jungkook was breaking seeing his hyung like this, he somewhat can understand what is going inside his mind now
NJ: Jin?! --
His voice was like a faint whisper in that little chaos and yet Jin heard his Joon's voice and he lifted his head to look at him, tears filled in his eyes

(Joon's pov)
Those eyes of his were speaking alot that i was not able to understand, all i understood was he was deciding something, he was in pain, he was shattering and all i ever wanted to do was just to wrap him in my arms and never let him go
(End of Joon's pov)

TH: Hyung, we need to speak
Joon was so distracted looking at Jin and studying his emotions
TH: Hyung?!
NJ: ahn?!
He snapped back
TH: we need to talk about something
And Jin left the room with Jungkook
NJ: what is it tae?!
TH: was it him?!
Joon looked at tae and just with implying the word him tae already had a guess of who it would have been
TH: But what was Jackson doing in Finland?!
NJ: even i don't know
TH: tell me the details hyung
NJ: Me and Jin were getting back from our dinner date and suddenly from nowhere i decided to confess to Jin of what i was feeling but
TH: but ---?!
NJ: i saw him, in a black hoodie pointing a gun straight at Jin, i felt my whole world crumble down i can recognise him just by his shadow and when he held his gun pointing at my Jin
Joon's tears were flowing down now while remembering that night as he saw the one he decided to cherish was standing in a gun point
TH: calm down hyung
Tae hugged Joon as he patted his back slowly and calmly
TH: Hyung , calm down and then talk
NJ: and then when he pulled the trigger i turned my back towards the gun point and the last thing i saw before i blacked out was Jin calling my name and then what happened tae?!
Joon asked as curiosity was kicking him of how he ended up in the hospital
TH: Jin hyung called for the ambulance and then when you reached here the doctors decided not to treat you because you were shot and this can be illegal to but Jin hyung begged to the doctors but still they did not actually come down and on the other side you were losing a lot of blood and he immediately called me and asked what can be done and i asked my friend who's working in the crime branch in Finland to go to the hospital and once the case was filed the treatment began and --
NJ: and then?!
TH: you were already critical as you lost so much blood and the doctors were needing a blood donor for you and at that time they did not find any as it was weekend people were wasted and Jin hyung ended up giving you blood and your surgery started
Joon's heart clenched in whatever feeling that was he couldn't explain in words
NJ: did he?!--- Do that for--- me?!
Tae nodded his head
TH: yes, Jin hyung never slept even for a bit, after your surgery was over you were sent back to your room and the doctors said we need to just wait for you to wake up and we all ended up coming in the next flight to Finland
Joon's heart drenched in happiness and love
TH: you love him hyung?!
Joon looked at taehyung
NJ: maybe i do
Tae raised his eyebrows
TH: Maybe?!! ---- so then looks like you are okay if some other men flirts with Jin hyung
Joon glared at tae
NJ: if any other man lies his eyes on my Jinnie, i will kill him
TH: OMG *acting shocked* i am hearing this for the first time and then?! What else you will do?!
NJ: many more that a kid like you doesn't need to know
Joon smiled and tae teased him and when Jin entered the room both of them acted as if nothing was happening
TH: the sky looks pretty right hyung
NJ: yes, taehyung ah very very pretty
JK: all the windows are closed here
Jungkpok rolled his eyes as he entered the room
Tae side eyed him
TH: we can still see the prettiness of the nature, people don't have a connection with nature can't see it
Tae rolled his eyes
JK: really?! Better i never have connection to something you have connection
Jungkook rolled his eyes as he was helping his hyung
TH: the nature atleast escaped from your wicked eye sight, thank God
Tae spoke back
JK: and one more thing ---
Jin: can you both stop !!!!! And leave the room now?!!!
TH: Hyung, but he was the one who started it
Taehyung complained
JK: WHAT?! ME --- ahn?! It was ---
Jin: leave now !!!!!!!
Both the fighters left the room and Jin bought tablets for Joon with food and helped him to sit straight and he began to feed him food he did not ask him anything of who was the person who shot him or what happened or anything but he was just taking care of Joon
Joon caught Jin's hand
NJ: don't you want to know?!
Jin: about what?!
NJ: about the one who shot me?!
Jin breathed as he kept the food plate aside as he leaned in a little as he began to wipe the corners of joon's lips which had some food left
Jin: why would I want to know?! When you are here alive and well infront of me
NJ: still ---
Jin kept his finger on joon's lips
Jin: if you did not make it back alive i would've hunt that person down  wherever he runs and hide I'll hunt him down for you
Joon did not expect that side of Jin, he was taken aback like a softie has a violent side too
Jin: so, now eat, we can talk later, when we get back home to Seoul
Joon nodded his head as he was eating all happily as his husband was feeding him
Meanwhile the two hot shots came out still fighting over the damn sky and calmed down for a bit as tae was driving back to their hotel
JK: who's Jackson?!
Tae halted and the car was halted in the sudden break too
TH: how do you know him?!
JK: i don't know him, i just heard you talking to Joon hyung, i just heard his name that's it
Taehyung breathed in relief
TH: Your donkey ears are now listening to what others are speaking too ahm?!
JK: yaaa!!!!! I did not intentionally hear it, i was just passing by and i heard it
TH: do you want me to believe it?!
Taehyung raised his eyebrows
JK: ahm --?! Who cares whether you believe or not
Jungkook said as he crossed his hands above his chest as he laid his back on the seat, having a pissed off face.

( Almost a week passed by)

Joon was discharged from the hospital and he was taken back to Seoul as he was highly recommended to have a bed rest taehyung was taking care of office work with the help of yoongi

(Office Cabin)
TH: We need to find him hyung
YG: who?!
Yoongi asked as he was going through his phone
TH: Jackson, i want to find that motherfucker and kill him in my own damn hands
Yoongi sighed
YG: are you going to get blood in your hands?
TH: anything for my namjoon hyung
Yoongi sighed
YG: I'll take care of it
TH: No, hyung
YG: i said I'll do it and don't you ever dare interfere into this, I'll inform you when i find him
Taehyung nodded his head and Jhope barged inside the room
JH: We need to talk now immediately
Jhope did not notice yoongi and tae breathed out
YG: did something happen?!
JH: *awkward smile* ahm --- nothing yoon all is fine, i --- just want to talk to tae that's it
TH: I'll be there hyung, you leave now
And in few minutes as yoongi had a meeting to attend he left and tae rushed to the rooftop
TH: what happened?! Hyung?! Is there any problem?!
JH: you need to FUCKING leave to las Vegas if you don't want your plan to be spoiled or getting caught
TH: what happened hyung ?!
JH: Mr Park wants to meet the Boss of Drug dealing he's doing
TH: so?!
JH: that's you taehyung, you are being his drug dealer
TH: Hyung, calm down Park has never seen me before
JH: what?! Did you forget he saw you in Jimin's funeral ceremony, that was your first ever meeting with him
TH: it's way too long, back hyung, he doesn't know who I am, so there won't be any trouble i can ask anyone to be the boss
JH: and if Mr Park finds out the plan of us, all these last 5 yrs of work would just crumble down, you saved Jungkook, you saved Jin and now you put your own family in danger
Taehyung was shook and confused
TH: what are you saying hyung?!
JH: i heard they are planning to----
Jhope was fidling with his fingers and hesitating to talk
TH: tell me IMMEDIATELY Hyung
Tae was tensed
JH: they are planning to kill your hyung also as the asset papers also have the authority of Namjoon as Jin married him
Taehyung's blood boiled in anger and rage and hurt, he knew everything of the Park family those disgusting piece of shits doesn't deserve to live on this damn earth and taehyung couldn't end their lives immediately even after he found Everything because he wanted to bring them down fully, bring their business down their property all their luxury down and let them live
TH: i won't let those piece of shits to even touch my hyung's shadow no not in this lifetime
And with that tae left the place without uttering another word.


[ To be continued :) ]

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