After the Storm - 10

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Hello guys,

Sorry for the late update. I got engaged recently so obviously I had to spend time with my real-life Murtasim (the old Murtu, anyways) so I didn't get much time to write. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.


After a few weeks

Meerab woke up in the middle of the night feeling an odd sensation. It felt ominous somehow. She got up and walked over to Sana's crib and saw her fidgeting a little in her sleep. Meerab frowned, why did her face look so red? She reached down and picked up her daughter. Meerab was startled. Sana was burning up. She held her close, "Sana, sweetheart", Meerab said urgently shaking her slightly trying to wake her up.

Sana groaned a little but didn't open her eyes. Meerab was starting to panic now. What happened to her daughter? Suddenly Sana coughed and vomited on Meerab's shoulder. "Oh Sana!", Meerab exclaimed, her anxiety increasing. She had never been this sick before and it was scaring her

Before she could realise what she was doing, she was knocking on Murtasim's bedroom door. "Murtasim! Murtasim!", she shouted hoarsely. She hadn't even realised that she had started crying. She held her daughter close as she looked around in panic. Maybe Murtasim wasn't home. Maybe she should just take a car and get to the town hospital herself. Her thoughts were interrupted when his door opened.


Murtasim opened his door groggily hearing someone knock the door insistently. They better have a damned good reason for waking him up at this hour. He had had a long day at the village and he could barely stand from the exhaustion. His frustration was cut short when he saw his wife standing on the other side of the door looking dishevelled with tears running down her cheeks holding their daughter.

His mind sharpened immediately and he asked holding her by her arms, "What happened Meerab?" "Meerab?", he shook her a little when she only looked at him blankly. Meerab suddenly snapped out of her daze and said simply, "Sana...", and broke down sobbing.

Murtasim quickly took his daughter from her weak arms ignoring the vomit stain that coated his kurta. He quickly realised his daughter was burning up with high fever. He cursed under his breath and asked Meerab, "Does she have anything other than the fever?", "She vomited and is not opening her eyes", Meerab said faintly. Murtasim cursed again.

He grabbed Meerab by her arms and quickly dragged her out with him. "Come on, let's get her to the hospital", he told her as he tried to maintain his composure. They both can't afford to break down now. He opened the passenger side door for Meerab and passed Sana to her. Meerab quickly held her daughter close.


At the hospital

Murtasim and Meerab were waiting for the doctor outside anxiously, each lost in their own fears. Murtasim held Meerab's hand gently. "Don't worry Meerab. Nothing will happen to our daughter...I am sure it's just a fever...I am here for you both...alright?", he asked her gently. Meerab looked into his earnest eyes. She saw his own fear which he was trying to hide, why?.... He was acting strong for... her, she realised. Her eyes softened and she was grateful for his presence by her side. He had kept a cool head in-spite of his own fears and had prioritized getting their daughter treated on time.

Their moment was broken by Murtasim's phone which had started ringing. "Hello", he said and frowned as he listened to the person on the other end. "I'm sorry for your loss but I can't come to the village now. I have more important work here. But don't worry I will send someone to take care of your situation", he finished the call. He cursed under his breath about Maliks who never learn and placed another call to Baktu to take care of whatever Zubair had done now.

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