After the storm - 3

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Murtasim called Waqas Sahib as soon as he got to his hotel. He had lost touch with that family after he separated from Meerab. Now he badly needed to find her whereabouts. He picked up the call on the last ring.


Murtasim sat looking outside the window of his flight. He wished this day would end so that he could go back to his daughter. He missed her already even though he never even held her. The ache was unbearable. He closed his eyes and thought about what he had learned from Mr. Waqas.

Meerab had been living in Islamabad. She had given birth to his daughter there. Alone. His daughter Sana. The name suited her he thought smiling. Soon he will be back with her. But first he had some people to confront.

At the Khan Mansion

Murtasim marched inside his home looking for his mother. He was soon interrupted by Haya, "Murtasim, you are home soon! Let me get some tea for you while you go freshen up", she said brightly. He looked at her with an awful suspicion that had been growing slowly in the pit of his stomach since yesterday. Could she have done something that cruel? He shook his head, no, first he had to talk to Maa Begum. He refused her offer and went to find his mother.

"Murtasim! Come on. I am glad you came back soon. I have something to talk to you about", she said smiling at her son. He looked at her silently, "I have something to ask you too Maa", he said calmly. She saw the storm behind his eyes and said cautiously, "Tell me Murtasim". "It's about Meerab", he said trying to gauge her reaction. She bristled at the name, "Why are you talking about that shameless woman now? You should stop thinking about her and get married again Murtasim", she said firmly.

"This time I will choose someone who's obedient and respects our family tradition", she continued unaware of the storm brewing next to her. "Did she contact you about something Ammi? After she had left this house?", he asked calmly. She looked startled at the question but managed to compose herself and said, "Why would I talk to her even if she did? She means nothing to this family now. Not after what she did", she said matter of fact.

Murtasim gritted his teeth but managed to ask, "Did she tell you she was pregnant with my child Ammi?", he asked finally. She looked shocked but kept quiet. "Tell me Ma, did she?", he yelled at her.

Maa begum looked at her son shocked, "What if she did? Does it matter? She is a shameless woman who was meeting another guy behind your back. Who knows whose child she was carrying. No I am sure she was lying that it was your child", she continued rambling not realizing the pain her words were inflicting on her son. Seeing his shattered expression she took his hands in her own and said desperately, "Murtasim, listen to me, Forget about her. I will find you a beautiful girl. You can marry her and have as many children as you want. Don't think about Meerab".

Murtasim felt a rage unlike anything he had felt before. How could his own mother think he would be happy having a another family knowing his child was growing up without a father. He turned around and punched his hands on the nearby table. The glass cracked and his knuckles started bleeding. Maa Begum gasped looking at him shocked. "Murtasim... ", she started but he stopped her.

"Do you even realize what you are saying Ma? Did you think that I am so cheap as to leave my daughter? No, No!", he said shaking his head. "That's not the problem is it?", he asked whirling around to face her, "If you had thought that, you wouldn't have hidden the truth from me. You just didn't want me to know, because you knew I would have never let Meerab go if I did", he laughed mirthlessly.

"So that's it huh, you hate Meerab so much that to keep her away you decided to throw my daughter out along with her. What kind of mother are you? How would you feel if someone had taken Mariam or me away from you?", he yelled at her. "Murtasim! It's not your child", Maa Begum said loudly shocked. "Stop! Just stop! I don't even want to look at you now", he said and walked away with a new resolve taking root in his heart.

Hello guys,

I revamped this story thread and decided to keep it just for this short story in case you were wondering about the changes! Do vote if you liked the update and leave your comments/feedbacks as I will be continuing this story based on the responses.

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