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We got dressed up again and headed over to the shop they were closing but as they saw me and Minho walk in my mother was so shocked she had to sit down

My father looked angry but we sat down and talked as adults, they were super understanding and we're also happy Minho could quit the gangster stuff and of course continue being a businessman

Father- we have to catch up and drink whiskey one day
Minho- of course
Y/n- where's Jeno?
Mother- in the back room sleeping

I took minhos hand and took him to the room where baby Jeno was sleeping, " he has hair now " Minho said as we both laughed

Minho- this is only if you want, we can find a home that suits us or you can continue living with your parents
Y/n- it's okay Minho I know you want to spend time with Jeno as much as you can so I'll live with you, we can finally be a family

Next few days

Me and Minho went home hunting as Jeno was with my parents it was much easier just us. We saw a lot of homes but they didn't feel like home to me. I wanted things that fit me but also Minho

None of the homes had gyms included until we saw the last one, it was really pretty definitely was the correct size had everything I want and everything Minho wanted

As we were signing the papers Minho introduced me as his wife, I gave him side eye as it made me blush

We both signed the papers and left the house would be ready for tomorrow and we can move in. Going back to pick up Jeno and go out

We went to the beach as the sun was setting, Minho took a lot of pictures of me and Jeno. And put it as his Lock Screen

We walked the beach and talked

Minho- this is the way it should've been
Y/n- even if it wasn't sooner we're experiencing right now and it makes me feel super happy
Minho- I'm so happy too being by your side and having a kid with you now, I'd die to spend the rest of my life with you
Y/n- awww don't make me cry, I want to spend the rest of my life with you too as a happy family with you and Jeno

We continued walking as rose petals were on the San as they made a path, Minho sped walk faster then me but I stayed walking slower

As I continued walking there was a ^ will you marry me^ sign as my parents and so many other people here, as Minho got on one knee and opened a ring box

Minho- Lee y/n you are the love of my life and want to be with you forever, will you marry me?

I instantly started crying but said yes, he put the ring on my finger and kissed me, in the background everyone was cheering and clapping

This was such a beautiful day

A week later
We were in our home as I was taking care of Jeno as Minho was in the gym working out, since Jeno was asleep since I had just fed him

I went to check up on Minho, there he was doing pull-ups. I leaned against the doorway as I watched him. I don't think he noticed me since he had headphones on the music was probably blasting

That's when we made eye contact through the mirror I laughed and went over to him, he tried hugging me but I pushed him back

Y/n- you're full of sweat no thank you
Minho- you don't love me?
Y/n- i do but still no
Minho- fine then

He picked me up and ran out the gym all the way to our backyard " hug me or I'll throw you in"

Y/n- Minho do not drop me in stop put me down
Minho- 1...2
Y/n- okay I'll hug you and give you a lot of kisses

He put me down as he reached for a hug I pushed him into the pool I was dying of laughter, I ran into the house before he could catch me

I waved at him from the inside of the home as he was getting out the pool, " baby open the door it's cold " he was good at acting so I opened the door

I tried running away but he caught up to me picking me up bridal style " do not throw me in babe please " he was just laughing this was pure evil

Instead of him throwing me in he jumped in, I didn't know how to swim and he had to jump into the deep end. Thankfully he was next to me and noticed

Minho- you don't know how to swim?
Y/n- no gosh this water is freezing

I was holding onto him while shivering as we went inside and Jeno had woke up. I couldn't carry him while being wet.

He wasn't crying so I made Minho take care of him while I showered quickly he then got in as I took care of him

Y/n- oh my baby

Jeno laid on the bed as I sat next to him watching him. That's when Minho came out the shower " watch him imma go make dinner" I said going downstairs

I wasn't sure what to make but chicken with rice and veggies sounded really good so that's what I made, after it was done we both ate and I of course had to feed Jeno

I wasn't sure what to make but chicken with rice and veggies sounded really good so that's what I made, after it was done we both ate and I of course had to feed Jeno

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I took a picture of Minho carrying Jeno which I found adorable. We watched a movie together and then headed to bed

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