*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*

Start from the beginning

My face is tear streaked, chest heaving. The blood crown sits quietly on the table before us all.

"That's your future." I rasp when I can get my voice to work. No one speaks. Just holding each other tighter, closer.

"That is what will happen if we are not a united front. We will die in horrific ways until there is nothing left."

"It looks to me like you Althea Alinac, will be the one to save us. You will be the one who gives everything for each kingdom."

"That is not going to happen," Kaz snarls. "Thea will not have to die if you all join us. If we are a united front, then we can stop him before any of that happens. Before we lose lives and shed too much blood."

The other High Lords are quiet, contemplating still. I don't know how much more proof they need, how much else I must give to show them that this is beneficial to us all.

As they excuse themselves, and quietly go to separate corners to discuss amongst themselves, I take the crown and shift it back into the pendant. Letting it fall against my throat, the images still so real.

Kaz approaches me, his face hard but eyes soft. "Are you ok?" I don't even think, I just throw my arms around him and kiss him deeply. "I don't want to watch you die." I whisper. He smiles, "Neither do I, which is why I asked that if we die, we die together." I smile, "I can't promise that, but I will promise that I will protect you. That I will keep you safe as long as I'm alive. I promise to be your sword when you're down, your shield when you need a break. I promise to be your wall to hide behind and you're breaking. I will be there for you Kaz, until the very end."

"And I you, Thea. Always."

A sudden stinging sensation creeps along my forearm, curling around my elbow and stopping at my shoulder. "What the hell was that?" When I glance down I see a tattoo there, filled with swirling vines, roses and peonies intertwined around a dagger that's dipped in blood.

The same tattoo winks back to me on Kaz's forearm and shoulder. "When fae make a vow or a promise, a tattoo appears upon their skin. It's to prove that the promise is binding and that it cannot be unbroken. We are now bound by that promise to each other."

Before I can reply to that, the others have wandered back over. Their faces grave and severe. I suddenly get this sinking feeling in my stomach.

"I believe we have all come to an agreement and should cast a vote." Flare states, his sunny persona now clouded.

I nod, "Yes we should. The majority wins. My vote will count for the Dawn Kingdom and Kaz's will count for his court. I won't allow us to have a combined vote as that will have us at a majority." Kaz nods his head, we agreed upon this before arriving here today. This was the best course of action for us both.

Once seated, Anil speaks next, "Anna and I have talked about this, discussed what we saw and what is to come for our people and our home." He pauses, his cunning eyes sliding around the room. "As much as I hate your kingdom," He sneers at Kaz and my stomach drops some more, "I have grown to like the woman you're mated with and her words moved us. The conviction I saw in her face, how she was willing to die for all of us regardless of our vote. That is a true leader, someone I wouldn't mind following into battle and giving my life for." I blink, the high lord of the wind kingdom is in? He's saying yes?

Anna and Anil meet my eyes and say in unison, "You have our vote."

I couldn't be more elated. My heart bursting. That's a vote for yes. Kaz speaks next, "It's safe to yes The Kingdom of Bloodshed will be voting yes." The others nod, then it's Flare and Star's turn. They hesitate, conflicting emotions shadow their faces. "I don't expect you guys to say yes, this is a lot to ask and a lot to sacrifice. But if you do agree, this will be the start of a new world."

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