The Paradox of Loneliness

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As I lay down, my mind starts working faster, wondering where have I failed.

What did I miss? Where? Do they really care so much about the outside, and value what they can see first? Always?

Should I be myself, even if nobody likes the true me?

I must.

After all, nobody is worthy enough that I sacrifice everything for them.

Nothingness is truly the biggest friend, and in it, I find my thoughts, in the midst of confusion.

Really deep down, the subconscious is hurt, making it so everything else is disturbed.

But finally I can hold on to myself, and take care of him like nobody does.

It doesn't matter if it cannot be found in others, it can be found inside of me.

In solitude, peace is found.

Thoughts slow down, flowing naturally, like the waters from a river.

Listening individually to every string of consciousness, searching for fulfillment.

May Knowledge fly close enough one day.

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