Chapter 4: Uncaring Father

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Marco swam over to me and asked how it went.

"It went great, hopefully," I said, muttering the last word to myself.

"Great! Now let's go back to the kingdom before your father worries about you," Marco said brightly.

I rolled my eyes,"He only cares about me when he notices I'm gone."

We swam back towards the kingdom where all the other merpeople were. Everyone was in a rush since this week my father decided to have a party.

Thankfully, it wasn't tonight.

We swam to my father on his throne in the center of the city.

"Father, I'm going to sleep early tonight, and can Marco sleep over?" I asked.

"Sure," he said flicking his hand and not caring what I did.

Marco and I went to my room and I gathered a bunch of fish and put them under my blanket of seaweed, just in case my fath- no, Grisha, wanted to check on me. Marco did the same on a spare bed in my room.

"Okay, we're all ready, right?" Marco asked.

"Wait a second," I said as I grabbed my necklace with a key on it and put it around my neck, "now I'm ready."

"Let's go then," he said as he led me the way to land.

We swam for a few minutes until we were close to the shore, near the beach, but still in the water.

"Okay what I need you to do know is transform, I've done it many times before so I change instantly. I don't know how long it takes for you, so your save bet is to stay in the water while doing so," Marco assured me before going closer to the shore and murmuring the lyrics to a song to himself with a shell glowing and instantly transforming.

Conveniently, Jean came out from behind a rock with a cloth and dried Marco off.

Wow, two legs look really cool to have.

Marco then disappeared behind a rock, supposedly changing.

"Okay, it's your turn," Jean said to me, not looking the least bit interested.

"Okay then," I replied, and started singing with my shell glowing. (The song for this chapter is sung by Eren's voice actor, Yuki Kaji, you can play it now if you'd like)

After I had finished, I had two legs.


Wow, I have really long ones, what does that mean?

"Eren, you may have difficulty standing up and walking, do you want me to help you?" Marco asked extending his arms towards me.

Wow, he blends right in with the humans, the clothes he's wearing is really fancy.

"No, I think I got it," I said as I put my hands on the shore and put my 'feet' on the ground also, pushing myself up.

I wobbled a little but I got a the hang of it.

"Eh? How did you learn so fast? It took me hours to just walk!" Marco said with a look of disbelief.

"It's called skill," I said while smirking.

"Okay, now show-off, you need to wear some clothes," Jean instructed me while giving me a pile of clothes.

After some time, figuring out how to wear everything with some help from Marco, I then examined what I was wearing properly.

My clothes were white and consisted of many intricate patterns of gold, with some white gloves to go with it.

"Wow," I said turning around many times trying to see my clothes in different angles.

"You're welcome, I thought you should wear something better than what I was previously going to bring, since your the prince of the sea kingdom and all," Jean said, trying to show he didn't care.

"Thats so nice of you, Jean!" Marco said while giving Jean a kiss on the cheek, causing Jean to blush.

"A-Anyways, lets get going," Jean said.

They led the way to the castle, while holding hands.

They're clothes were both royal blue.

They're so perfect together, I thought.

Even though that horseface is a jerk sometimes.

I sighed, I'm hopeless in love. (Same, Eren, same)

We finally made it to the doors of the castle and were invited by the guards, gladly letting us in.

I looked around at all the decorations with amazement, making sure to keep up with Marco and Jean so I don't get lost.

Then I let my eyes drift to the end of the ballroom we had just went in, where there was a throne with-, my breath caught in my throat for a moment. I looked at him, he was wearing black clothes with gold designs and white gloves, with one of his hand supporting his head on the throne. He even wore a crown on his head over his raven locks that was styled differently from all the other guys I see at the ball. He was scanning the crowd, not looking all that interested in the ball. Then, I swear for a second when he made eye contact with me, that he had a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

We finally meet, Prince Levi.

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