Chapter 3: The Sea Witch

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Eren's POV

Marco and I swam to the cave where the supposed sea witch lived. We then stopped at the mouth of the cave and Marco turned to me.

"Eren, I can't go in with you so be careful. I'll wait out here when you're done," Marco said before swimming over to a bunch of coral and sitting.

"Wait, what's the sea witch's name?" I asked him.

"Petunia," he said.

I then swam into the mouth of the cave until the darkness surrounded me.

"U-Uh, Miss Petunia? I'm here to see you," I said while my body shook from the coldness of the cave.

I waited a few minutes as silence was heard throughout the cave.

"Hello?" my voice echoed off the walls of the cave.

"Wait a second! Wait a second, will you? I just woke up!" the unexpected sweet voice rung through my ears as the supposed sea witch came before me.

The sea witch had long orange hair and hazel brown eyes with pale skin. She also then had eight tentacles resembling an octopus which was a dark purple and the darkest shade of black. I expected her to be old, wrinkly, and mean but she was the exact opposite, being sweet and young. (Just picture Ursula from the Little Mermaid but not really evil looking.)

"Now, may I ask why you are here?" Petunia asked politely.

"I'm here to um..." I said thinking for a moment of why exactly I was here.

"You want the ability to become human I believe. Am I correct?" she asked.

"Y-Yes ma'am," I answered her.

"Oh, no don't call me that! I'll feel old! Just call me Petr- I mean Petunia," she said, and I swear she was going to say a different name.

"Okay, Petunia, well can you make it possible?" I asked to make sure.

"Of course, but there will be a price that you will have to pay," she warned me.

"I'll do whatever it takes," I said confidently.

"As you wish," she said and started grabbing ingredients and brewing together some sort of potion.

She put in many things, ranging from bones of dead fish, to unknown liquids.

"Oh and by the way, I'll need some of your blood. It won't hurt one bit and it will only take a second," she said coming towards me with a pointy cylinder.

She then poked me on my arm with the cylinder causing me to flinch and close my eyes.

"Okay, I think it's done," she said while putting all of the new mixture in a shell.

She then tied a string to it and put it around my neck.

"So what you have to do is that when you're near land, you sing, causing the shell to glow and instantly transform you. I do suggest having what the humans call clothes close to you when you transform because you will be naked and that's not going to give you the best impression if you walk around like that. Also, it might some getting used to using legs, it's not exactly the same as your tail," she explained.

"Okay, thank you," I said while smiling and starting to leave.

"Just remember there will be a price to pay eventually," she reminded me before I left the cave in search of Marco.

I'm so sorry I couldn't get this out sooner.

But when AnimeBoston comes up, I can't do anything other than become nervous and excited for that weekend.

I apologize from the bottom of my heart, if I have one...

I had time during my flight to Florida so I wrote this because I know you guys want me to update badly.

Again, I'm very sorry, I feel really bad and I probably lost a lot of readers for this because it's been forever since I updated.


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