My Little Pony's The Shit

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Todays October twenty fifth meaning it's the perfect time to go to horror nights. Me and the usual friend group have made plans to go tonight. I check the time and it's 8:10, I start walking to Miguel's room knocking on his door. He opens it "let's get ready to rumble" he says as he exits his room.

I look at him with a confused face and laugh "all I'm gonna say is if anything touches me I'm running."

"I'm pushing you into a monster" he says smiling mischievously.

I look back at him "you do that I'm ending your life right on the spot."

"I'd love to see you try" he says confidently.

I stop and start walking over to him. As he begins to back up our dad yells "Bella no killing your brother."

I yell back "it'll be one less mouth to feed."

He comes out of the living room "still no."

I sigh "ugh fine, you get to live another day."

He sticks his tongue out at me as he walks out the front door. I quickly run past him trying to get the front seat. He grabs me by the hand and tosses me to the ground. When he's running past me I grab the back of his shoe causing him to fall. As we're laying on the ground our mom walks past us taking the seat. We watch as she sits down and closes the door "that was humbling" Miguel says still laying on the ground. I smack him in the back of the head as I get up and get in the back of the car.


We get off the car and walk straight into city walk. As we're walking some fans recognize us. We take some pictures with them. After that we continue walking until I see Mason. He's talking to his mom and Brooke. Since he's distracted I decided to run up to him. When I get closer I jump "NOODLES" I yell as I tackle him to the ground.

As we're laying on the ground he heaves out "what the fuck bel's."I smile at him as we're still on the ground. I can hear his mom and Brooke laughing. I get up and extend my arm to him. He takes it and hugs me after "see this is how a proper hello goes."

"I like my way better" I say as I hug him back.

Brooke pushes Mason off of me "move my turn" she says hugging me "hey Bella!"

"Hi Brooke!" I respond as I hug her back.

After I'm done hugging Brooke their mom comes up to me "Bella it's so good to see you again."

"It's so good to see you too" I say giving her a quick hug her. As we're talking my family finally comes up along with Mo, Malachi, and Xochi. We all say hi and make our way into the park.

When we enter the park a scare actor puts their hand in my face. I move back bumping into Mason. I grab him and toss him in front of me "did you just try and sacrifice me" he says offended.

"You gotta look out for number one sometimes" I say still behind him. He turns around, grabs my waist and places me in front of him "no mason are you trying to get me killed" I say while trying to get out of his grasp.

He starts to walk "it's ok bel's I've got you" he says reassuring me.

I'm unsure by his words but start walking with him. We get to our first maze which is the Micheal Myers's one. I enter first with Mason right behind me "fuck this I wanna leave."

I try turning back but he moves me forward "come on it'll be fine."

As we're walking a knife pops out in front of my face. I scream as my eyes widen. Mason starts laughing along with Miguel. I keep walking and hear Mo and Brooke scream in the back of me. As we make our way through the maze Micheal pops out. I completely book it for the exit. Mason runs after me. As we get out of the maze I see him laughing "you were so scared" he says while proacitally dying.

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