If Theres A Screen The Lorax Shall Be Seen

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I wait till I get home to respond to Bodhi since I didn't want to ruin the moment I was having with my family. After a little drive around our neighborhood we make it home. I step out the car and go straight for my room as I get in the house. I get to my room and while opening the door I check the message.


Hey Bella I really need to talk to you

Hey and what's up?

I think it would be better if we talked
in person

ok sure

alright yk that park near your house

well yeah it's neat my house

right so can we meet there?

yeah just what time

well I'm already here so can you walk over?

Can I bring Mikey or no?

I'd rather you not

Alright I'm on my way

I stand in front of my door for a while feeling nervous. I check the time on my phone and see it's 5:09. I open my room door stepping out of it and walking to the stairs. As I do so I pass my parents and tell them I'm gonna take a walk to the park. They nod their heads and I walk for the door. As I exit my house I make a group chat with Mo and Mason.


Momo Moo🐮
Uh hey?


Ok to start things off HI MOMO, HI NOODLES

Momo Moo🐮
Oooh ok so that's who's here

Now on another note I made this because I'm currently waking to meet up with Bodhi at the park near my house and I didn't wanna text Fuck Nuts because Miguel's in there and he'll go bat shit crazy so I just made it with you two

Why isn't Mikey going with you to
the park

because Bodhi said he wanted to talk one on one

So you just listened

Momo Moo🐮
Belly I know you're smart but that was dumb

I wanna hear him out ok

Fine but be careful it's almost dark

Momo Moo🐮
Yeah be safe and tell us everything that happens

Mhm I know and thanks

I put my phone in my back pocket as I see Bodhi sitting on a bench. I walk up to it and sit next to him. He smiles. I just sit there with no expression "what did you want to say?"

He takes a deep breath in "ok I just wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I nod my head and wait for him to continue. "I also wanted to say that I did like you for a really really long time, but I don't anymore."

"Yeah I kinda figured but I wasn't completely for sure." I keep looking forward away from him.

"That's the main thing I wanted to say but also wanted to ask, why Mason?"

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