You like Spider-Man?

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It's currently 9 am when I hear someone barge into my room. Miguel comes and snatches my blankets from off me. "What the fuck it's too early for this" I say face planted into my pillow.

"Too bad we're leaving at 11 and it usually takes you a lifetime to get ready so hurry up" he says while walking towards the door.

I lift my head from my pillow and sit up in my bed "wait where are we going?"

He stops at the door and turns around "to Universal with some of my friends"

My eyes widen "you have friends" i start to smile.

"Shut the fuck up and get ready" he walks out the room.

I get up and toss my blankets back on my bed. I finish getting ready in less than an hour so I'm pretty proud of myself. I then walk down stairs to join my family. "Morning" I say extending the g.

Miguel rolls his eyes "I swear I've aged 50 years"

I look at him with a blanke expression "you've always been old so I don't know why you're complaining"

Just as he's about to fire back our mom cuts him off "alright enough, get in the car it's time to leave"

We look at each other and immediately bolt out the door. I yell "IM SITTING IN THE FRONT"

"THE FUCK YOU ARENT" he says catching up to me.

"TRY ME BITCH" I shove him out of the way, as he falls to the ground I fling the car door open. When I get inside I shut the door and buckle my seatbelt. I look out the window and stick my tongue out at him while he's laying on the floor.

He stands up off the ground and glares at me as he enters the back seat. I smile back at him.

"Fuck off" he says while buckling up.

I put my hand on my chest "OOO such vulgar language" I say in a sarcastic tone with my eyebrows raised.

My mom laughs as she gets in the drivers seat "Bella stop messing with him he's gonna push you off a ride"

"Then I'll take him down with me" I say with a stern voice.

She continues to laugh as we drive off.


We make it to Universal and find a place to park the car. As we step out I ask Miguel "so which friends are gonna be there?"

"Just Maddy and Mason but I'm pretty sure Maddy's also bringing her siblings"

I nod my head as he tells me this. We then start walking towards the stairs "those are the ones who played in The Black Phone with you?"

"Mhm" he says while walking ahead of me.

I try catching up to him "Jesus why are you in a rush"

"Because we're late" he says while still walking at the speed of light.

I look down at my phone to see its 11:05 "Miguel its 5 minutes you'll be ok"

He quickly replies "Just hurry up"

I finally catch up with him and just as I do I get a text from Mo.

   Momo Moo🐮

Good morninggggggg Bellybutton


we should totally call rn😋

I would love to but im out in the wild


AY IN MY DEFENSE I'm currently at universal con Miguel and some of his friends

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