The Commons'

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"This is boring. Plus my feet hurt like hell", she whispered, leaning close. Her breath tickled my ear and sent a shiver down my spine.

"Of course they do. I have no idea why you women torture yourselves by wearing heels," I whispered back.

"You're a woman too!", she said quietly, somewhat annoyed.

I smoothed my tuxedo with my right palm. "I do not identify as a heel wearing woman with a pain kink", I smiled mischievously.

I looked around. Everyone was either drunk or dancing. To think these people are all members of rival mafia clans....

Today was the Commons' Ball, where all the mafia clans of Italy gathered together and forgot their vendettas against each other for one evening every year, enjoyed booze and danced the night away. Tomorrow, they would once again be at each other throats.

This year's theme was Victorian England. To see all these assasins, smugglers and traffickers in poofy gowns, black tuxes and dress shoes was very funny to me. But as my beautiful companion pointed out, the ball was indeed very boring. At least for those who didn't guzzle down alcohol like there was no tomorrow.

I won't say I had arrived here with any real expectation for entertainment. I didn't even want to come in the first place. But Capo insisted, "As the only daughter of the Morettis and heir to our business, your presence is crucial for our diplomatic relations with the other mafia families."

"Diplomatic, off course Dad", I rolled my eyes.

"You must always call me Capo", he said coldly.

"yEs cApO", I said in a sing-song voice.

"Get out at once or you will be shot", he said, but his eyes twinkled with mischief. Death threats were his way of showing affection, apparently.

I put my hand on my heart and bowed (the Moretti salute), and left without any further fuss.

"I guess I have no choice", I grumbled to myself.

When I came in, half an hour late, sulking, the most glorious sight met my eyes - an absolutely gorgeous women, olive complexioned and with siren eyes as green as venom. She was wearing a shimmering emerald bodycon dress that hugged her voluptuous curves like a perfectly fitted glove, so she obviously did not give a damn about the dress code. Leaning against the drink table, she toyed with a flute of rosé, her jet black tresses highlighting her beautiful moon shaped face. She looked like the embodiment of danger itself, and it drew me in like a siren's call.

I walked up to her and struck up a conversation. For two hours, we flirted and laughed, and I noticed her eyes tracing my body like a hungry lioness, it made something primal stir in me.

"Come with me," I grabbed her arm. We rushed to the elevator. "5th floor", I said to the AI elevator assistant.

The venue was the Castello ilsicilia, Sicily, the most expensive banquet hall in the entirety of Italy. The ball was taking place in the ground floor banquet hall, and the rest of the floors had luxury suites assigned to each guest, for resting after the ball ended. My suite was the Stanza Lussuosa, the most expensive suite in the hotel. It was Capo's way of making sure that I attended the ball, and it sure did work.

We rushed into the room. As soon as I closed the door, she slammed me against the door and kissed me. Hard.

"Damn, someone's impatient", I chuckled, grabbing her by the waist.

"Oh, you don't know", she smirked.

Before I knew what had happened, she pushed me on the King sized bed and straddled my hips. "Oh mi amore, the things I'm going to do to you", she drawled. I sucked in a sharp breath. Damn, this woman was feisty.

She leaned in. Our lips sealed into a mind numbing kiss that sent electric sparks running through my nerves.

"Allow me to pleasure you, Mia regina", I rasped.

"Not so fast", she winked and started to tug at my tie, smiling sexily. She kept pulling it tighter and tighter. I was amused that this woman thought she could dominate me, but I enjoyed it anyways.

However, things took an unexpected turn. Her sexy smile morphed into an evil smirk.

"Muori puttana", she said, and yanked my tie, hard. I could feel my vision blacken.

"Let me go, serpe", I choked. I tried to pry her hand away with my left hand.

"You won't live to see tomorrow", she whispered, her voice dripping with cold contempt.

"L-let me go, I-aah", I gasped for air.

She cackled. "You have been a real pain in the ass, haven't you? Sabotaging our drug shipments, killing our men, and what not. If you die, Caterina Moretti, the Morettis will fall. One less thing for us Grecos to worry about." she said, leering at me.

"Not so fast", I smirked. My right hand was clasped around the syringe in my trouser pocket.

Before she could blink, I stabbed her thigh with the needle and within forty seconds, she was knocked out senseless.

"Damn, I knew she was dangerous, but a downright murderer?", I mumbled to myself.

"Couldn't you have waited a bit before trying to kill me? Maybe after having a bit of fun?", I chided her senseless body, lying spread-eagled on the bed.

I called Capo. ", Giulia tried to murder me. Yes, the Greco girl. No, no she isn't dead, I tranquilized her. I don't want to provoke any unnecessary fights at the Commons' ".

I went to the terrace for some fresh air. I knew Capo would arrange someone to take care of her.

"Not a boring evening after all", I smiled to myself, lighting a cigarette and admiring the beautiful Sicilian skyline.

*Image credits: Pinterest*

*A/n: My inspiration for this story. Check this awesome song out! 👇👇

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