10 ☆erotic dreams☆

Start from the beginning

Aiden had said the last sentence with an almost shameful grimace. Lake jumped up and looked into his eyes

Lake 《erotic dream? With James?》

The latter whirled around and looked at them in surprise

Aiden 《nono, I didn't say it was erotic》
Lake 《ok, you don't need to say it, tell it》
Aiden 《 It's not necessary, dreams don't mean anything anyway》
James 《HE'S RIGHT》

There were a few seconds of silence

James《 you can have an erotic dream about someone you hate in reality》
Aiden 《YES YES, EXACT, thanks James! Even James could have an erotic dream about, I don't know, me, for example》

James suddenly spat out the coffee he was drinking

Lake 《you had a erotic dream about Aiden》
James 《that's not true》

The boy denied it with a voice that said exactly the opposite

James 《 if I had dreamed him like that it would been a nightmare》
Aiden 《oh my god...》
Lake 《yet you didn't deny it》
James 《It doesn't matter because dreams mean nothing》
Lake 《erotic dreams have meaning》

The two boys looked into each other's eyes without saying anything. Rosa instead gets between them breaking their eye contact

Rosa 《Time to get ready! Enough chat》
James 《but it's early》
Rosa 《no, it's not》

There was a brief moment of silence

Lake 《the two lovebirds had erotic dreams each other》
James&Aiden 《IT'S NOT TRUE》

Rosa widened her eyes and ironically put her hands over her mouth

Rosa 《don't tell me》

The two boys tried to deny it

Lake 《do you know what that means? Rosa? 》
Rosa 《Sure! It's time to buy some condoms 》

Suddenly aiden turned red and went into the room slamming the door behind in full view of all

It was the first hour, there was math. The teacher gave some exercises to do with own classmate that would be delivered at the end of the hour. Yul asked to be moved from class and strangely they granted him, they put him next to Kai just for that hour, thinking that having a good boy nearby would help him do better in school. Yul left him to do all the work while Kai tried to explain how it was done, then they ended up arguing and Kai got his way.

Aiden rolled his eyes and tried to avoid James' gaze in earlier embarrassment. James tried to get his attention but he didn't give up and ignored him

James 《Hey, hey, hey, Aiden, why are you ignoring me? Dwarf? oo? Answers me》
Aiden 《what. Do. You. want.》
James 《we have to do the exercises 》
Aiden 《do it yourself》
James 《i cant, i dont understand nothig》
Aiden《i dont care》
James 《Why are you angry with me? What did I do?》
Aiden《you cant have erotic dreams about people who hate you and tell all to other people 》
James 《but you did the same thing》
Aiden《but I can, you can't》
James 《so did you have a erotic dream about me?》

James looked at Aiden with a sensual gaze and then bit his lower lip. Aiden looked into his eyes shyly and then shifted his gaze to the window, James slowly approached his hand to Aiden's and then put it on top of him.

Aiden 《What are you doing?》
James 《nothig》
Aiden 《I didn't tell you "ok it's fine that you hold my hand"》
James 《and I didn't ask you》
Aiden 《get that sweaty hand off mine》
James 《Why don't you take it off?》

Aiden hesitated a bit to answer, he was starting to blush

Aidenbecause I'm cold

James smiled and they looked into each other's eyes. Then James put his thumb to Aiden's lips. He had already fallen in love with his lips, they were soft and tender. He couldn't help but caress them, the gesture made Aiden smile slightly and his face turned red.

Prof 《James, Aiden, we're in class. You can pamper each other later. Now do the exercises》

All eyes turned to the two boys and all that attention made them stop and walk away. Rosa and Lake instead looked at them with a proud face imitating a kiss with the lips

The two boys didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day, Aiden was embarrassed, while James didn't speak to him because he thought Aiden was mad at him for attracting other people's attention

At the last hour there was an announcement on the loudspeaker, from Kristal

Kristal 《attention students, since spring is approaching we decided to organize a week trip》

Cheers and shouts from the pupils immediately arose

Kristal 《at the entrance you will find a billboard marked with an x ​​if you want to go to the beach or to the mountains. The majority will decide the holiday》

As soon as the bell rang, everyone rushed to the entrance to make their choice.

James 《sea. Sea. Absolutely sea. Gotta show off my sculpted muscles》
Yul 《but shut up》
Lake 《I love mountains, I think I'll choose that one》
Aiden《yes! The mountain is perfect in this period》
Kai 《the mountain is the perfect place to meditate》
Maggy 《I'm fine with whatever kai decides》
Riya 《Guys, are you all stoned? The sea is 100 times better》
Yul 《what the fuck is your problem guys?!》
Oliver 《I would like to say that there is no need to-》
Yul 《you shut up, nobody asked you anything》
Ally 《we, 3 vote for the sea》

She said arm in arm with Hunter and Tess

Hunter 《I don't like the sun but if it's okay with you it's okay with me》
Tess 《I don't care》

The next day the results were announced over loudspeakers

Kristal 《well guys, we inform you that both the trip to the sea and the mountains have reached parity, so pack your bags, starting next week we will go on a two-week trip: one to the mountains and one to the sea》

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