CHAPTER TWO: Innit to Win It ⚽️🥇🏁

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Georgia let out a huge sigh as she fell back onto the cushioned chair of the Moms favourite cafe. Just before the rest of the Moms sat down and placed their belongings on the floor Georgia irritably said whilst breaking the silence amongst them:

"I could've got myself a cup of coffee AND drunk it by the time that stupid manager was done searching through our bags, thanks Karen!"

"Well, maybe if you guys didn't make a huge fuss of the kni-" Karen was quickly interrupted by the rest of the Moms with a loud "SHHH!" which they practically spat at her.

"So, how're y'all feeling about the kids soccer game later today?" Asked Georgia.

"Great! I've sorted out all the t-shirts," Replied Deborah excitedly, pulling out four t-shirts, which all had matching designs reading: Texan Red Rabbits for the win, from her handbag.

"They're amazing!" Exclaimed Diane, who was halfway through knitting a rainbow scarf.

"I love them!" Georgia yelled and successfully snatched one out of Deborah's hands, holding it up to admire the paint work, for Debs was a very skilful woman and had made these herself. Their table was quiet for a moment as everyone took in Debs' paintwork.

"And I've made the signs." Karen said, gaining their attention. "Do you want to see them?" She asked not waiting for an answer and pulled out her indestructible Nokia phone showing them anyway.

The Moms knitted away the time chatting over steaming cups of coffee before they knew it, an hour had passed and it was time to get their kids for the big soccer game. They all put down the knitting needles, packed up their things, picked up their bags and left Knit N' Nats, not forgetting the t-shirts of course, which they planned to put on when they got there.

At the match their excitement was through the roof and the Moms had already painted on red lines on their cheeks and were wearing the t-shirts Debs had made. Their kids were already at the soccer game as their coaches gave them a lift in the minibus an hour before the match was going to start. Of course it was only a small game but the Moms just had to go all out with their makeup and outfits,they took a lot of pride in their kids, especially Karen.

The kids took their places on the pitch and the Moms stood on their teams sideline, shooting evil looks at Linda (our story's main antagonist and the Moms enemy), as the game began.

Within the first 5 minutes Red Rabbits had already taken the lead, due to Karen's son, Tommy who had scored a goal. Karen was ecstatic about this (so were the other Moms) and she yelled, "LETSSS GOOOOO!!!" While waving around a homemade sign which said: Rabbits for the win! Diane and Georgia, who were standing next to her along with Debs, held up a huge sign between them that read: Rabbit's Rule, in red glitter.

The game continued and Linda glared at them from the other side of the pitch, this was normal behaviour for Linda cause she's a fake bitch. The Moms knew she was just salty that they were winning but still flipped her off anyway.

It was an even game for the next 30 minutes, even though the Red Rabbits were much better than their rival team the Lime Llamas. Linda's daughter Emily was playing in goal for Lime and the football was coming her way. There was only 1 minute left and the score was 1-1. Tommy (Karen's son) shot towards the goal, Emily hit it out of the way, but she didn't and the football fell into the back of the net.

The referee blew the whistle and the game was over. The Red Rabbits had won!! The crowd cheered, well mostly just the Moms as they pulled out a fake gun, shooting confetti all over the pitch and themselves. Debs then got out a huge speaker from her bag and pointed it towards Linda and Emily, who began to ugly cry (sore losers), it started to play Sweet Caroline and they all started to sing and dance as everyone else started to leave the pitch.

~The Texan Soccer Moms celebrate a Red Rabbits win against the Lime Llamas~ but have they celebrated too soon?!

Love this
@lindaandemily i hate this it was so unfair
My favourite story
Write more!!
@thetexansoccermoms lets kill Linda

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