*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*

Start from the beginning

My mother has the same look on her face, but right now I don't care. "Why the hell are you guys not coming to the meeting? Do you not know what's been happening?" My father sighs, "Ah so you're here on political business. Look Thea, hunny, we appreciate that you're here to vouch for that ridiculous meeting, but you're mother and I have decided not to go. It's just not of value or importance to us."

I stare at him with my mouth half open, "Not of value? Unimportant? Have you lost your minds?"
"Sweetie, don't speak to your father that way." My mother's soft voice ripples to me. When I meet her stare I try a different tactic, "Come on mom. You should at least come to the meeting. We need someone to represent our Kingdom. How bad will that look if neither of you show up? What will the other courts say?" My mother's face shifts for a moment, contemplating it but then my father steps in. "We will deal with that should it arise. Now, Althea, unless you are planning to stay here and spend time with your real family; I suggest that you leave."

I feel like I've been punched. Like he reached into my chest and tore my heart out. I can't keep a handle of my anger anymore and I lose it, "Real family?! The only family I have are those waiting for me in the Dark Court. You never bother to visit, or write, you never even tried to ask how I was doing and if I was alive! You don't care that some psychopathic asshole is after me and planning to tear this world apart at the seams. You guys can't even attend a simple meeting to decide the fate of this world and millions of people because of your pride! What kind of examples are you setting? What kind of rulers are you?! My real family wouldn't back down from a fight. They'd stand there and face the adversity even if it killed them. Shame on both of you. We're Alinacs for god sakes! Warriors. I don't see that before me right now. I see cowards who hide behind their pride and can't be bothered to check in on their only child."

By the time my rant has ended, my anger blows from me in a puff of release. My parents are silent, staring at me like they don't recognize me. Maybe they don't, I am different than the woman I was before I left.

My mother's mouth opens to respond, but before I can even blink my father's hand has flown out and it smacks me hard across the face. I barely have time to register the slap. My ears are ringing and there's blood in my mouth, on my lips, I stumble back a step to center myself.

"Tiberius!" My mother shouts. But it's too late, the damage is done. When I've recovered enough, I meet my father's stare. His rage is turning into shock and guilt as he says, "Thea, baby I'm so sorry." But I refuse to listen to him.

"I guess you've made your answers perfectly clear. You guys can sit here in your palace of perfection, but I'll be going to the front lines to protect my people; of BOTH Kingdoms. To keep them safe. As of today, I hereby declare myself emancipated from the both of you. Congratulations you are now childless."

Then with that, I spin on my heels and storm from the room. Tears pricking my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. My face feels swollen and Arrow is hot on my heels. Her face impassive but dark.

When we step outside I lean against the wall and let out a puff of air but then the tears come. I sob.

My legs crumple beneath me and I'm sobbing. My tears falling in fat drops down my face. The blood tastes like iron in my mouth but I don't care. My parents are no longer my family, they are not coming to help us. We need their army, we need their warriors. Without them; we don't stand a chance. Hands on my shoulder bring me back to the present, Arrow's face is filled with warmth and concern but before she can say anything the door to the house opens and my mother stumbles out of it.

"Oh Thea, darling you're still here." I force myself to stand and wipe my tears. "We were just leaving."

"No. Wait... please." I blink at her, wondering what she could possibly have to say to fix any of this. "Your father is under a lot of stress, he didn't mean it. Hunny don't force us out of your life. We want to be apart of it."

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