Chapter 9: Skin. Tight. Leathers suits. Part 1

Start from the beginning

The Brit spoke up again.

???: "I wonder if we might have a little chat now, Mr. President?"

Y/N: "Okay monkey... how do you know who i am? I'm not wearing my President disguise..."

???: "They aint call it British Intelligence for nothing, old boy."

Y/N: "And who in Karzahnis name are you?"

Ponsy: "Reginald Ponsonby Smythe, at your service. And his Majesty, altough in his case, the service is secret. I'm with M16, the foreign intelligence agency."

Y/N took a deep breath.

Y/N: "Okay!... I'm getting a little ticked off here! These bastards destroyed my Mothership... Almost killed my little brother, his bondmate, my bondmate and our defective SIR unit!... Screw up my pension plan!... And just when i tracked one of 'em down he turned into some kind hard to kill freakazoid Mozzarella monster!"

Ponsy: "I sympathize. To be frank Sir, we appear to be fighting a common enemy. Might it not be the better part of valor to join forces and pool our information?"

Y/N was really not sure if that would be a wise idea... but... if this human can serve those Russkies on a silver tablet...

Y/N: "Hmm..."

Ponsy then looked at his watch and got ready to depart.

Ponsy: "Ah, i seem to be late for a previous Engagement. It's been a pleasure Mr. Y/N. Do feel free to drop by at your leisure. I think you'll find we have some... common interests."

Y/N: "Uh... but..."

Ponsy: "Excellent, excellent. I'll expect you for lunch then? Splendid. Must dash."

And with that Ponsy turned around and left. Y/N just stood there looking at his translator...

'Human needs tea NOW'

Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: "Those British monkeys can't be humans, i swear by the Tallest..."

His wrist computer went off. A incoming Irken Spacecraft has entered the sector.

Y/N smiles... he used his PAK Spiderlegs to jump on the nearest roof where the signal last popped up on his scanner.

Y/N: "You can sneak as much as you want, Zim... i know your there."

Y/N little brother then jumps on the roof too.

Z: "Oh come on..."

Y/N smiled at Zim and pat his head.

Y/N: "Where are Tak, Millie and GIR?"

Z: "They join us later. They gather their arsenal then they fly over. Any luck so far?"

Y/N: "You could say that... i got inside the underground Russian facility and took care of Oranchov. Proplem was that he released some kind of... i don't know... chemical(?)... that turned him into somekind of mutant."

Z: "What?... Was it Revelade?"

Y/N: "No... it was something else. Only Karzahni knows what it was... and... it seems like another Human secret intelligence is after the KGB. I made contact with one of them and it looks like we are now allies... kinda..."

Zim looked at Y/N in disbelief.

Z: "What?... A human... wants to work with us... to kill more humans?... What?"

Y/N: "I know it doesn't make any sense."

Y/N got a notification on his wrist computer. Looks like Ponsy was nearby.

Y/N: "Come, Zim. I introduce you to him..."

The Invader brothers jump from rooftop to rooftop until they got to the sector of Ponsy's location.
They jumped down and landed on their PAK legs.

Y/N: "What's shakin' Ponsy? I hope ya don't mind if i bring my little brother along now, do ya?... Zim that's Ponsy. Secret intelligence."

Zim looked the Brit up and down... and then gives but a slight nod to Ponsy.

Ponsy: "Not in the slightest. I'm relieved to see you, sir. The Russians appear to be up to some mischief."

Y/N: "Mischief? You mean some... trollin' and tomfoolery?"

Ponsy: "No, no. The Russian ambassador is throwing a party for the opening of an exhibit of Russian modern art. Frankly, it makes me a bid nervous. A number of Albion's VIP's are in attendance."

Z: "And we go in there and Disintegrate the ambassador?"

Ponsy: "Dear lord, no! I need you to mingle with the crowd and check it out, incognito as it were."

Both Y/N and Zim gave a sigh...

Y/N: "Fine... we get our disguises... but i never really understand this whole modern art thing of you humans, really. I mean, you humans bleed on a canvas and then sell it for ten grand?..."

Ponsy: "Ha... oh your serious. Well, i suppose it takes something of an educated eye to make sense of it. As modern art has become more abstracted, it helps to understand the conceptual framework the artist had in mind."

Y/N: "You realize, the Reader is skipping this whole section because it neither includes boobs or murder right?"

Ponsy: "I... i beg your pardon?"

Y/N: "Nothing. Anyway. Zim, get ready. We go undercover."

Zim nods at Y/N with a smile, then they both departed to the exhibit.

And something tells Y/N... things will not go so smoothly as Ponsy may hopes...

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now