7 : A False Sense of Security

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(Y/N's POV) 

Morning 6:30 AM

Y/N's Room

It was only our third day here, but I already had my routine figured out. Wake up, shower, get dressed  and by the time I did all of this it would be 7 AM and I could then go prepare something to eat for myself .

But first I hid my knife and pen back in my room. Then I went to the dining hall.

Shortly after I was joined by Sakura, who made herself some eggs. We greeted each other and ate mostly in silence.

It was now around 8:30 AM and more people began coming in. Though we had already finished.

I was going to go back in my room until

Sakura : Would you like to partake in my morning training?

Oh yeah! she did invite me.

Y/N : Gladly, just let me get dressed in my room and I'll join you in the gymnasium.

Sakura : I'll be waiting on you.

She said as she left to the gymnasium while I left my trenchcoat in my room and made my way to the gymnasium in only my shirt and pants.

In the hallway leading to the gymnasium I saw something missing from the display case, but I couldn't figure out what ?

Well anyway I entered the gymnasium and there I saw Sakura and unexpectedly Aoi.

Aoi : Hey, Y/N! We didn't have any time to talk to each other, the other days. So when I knew you would join our work outs I was super happy!

Y/N : Yeah...I'm happy too.

Aoi : Let's have a great time!

Y/N : Uhhhh I just have a question.

Sakura : What is it?

Y/N : There isn't any equipment here. I mean...I only see balls scattered around and some vaulting horses.

I only see balls scattered around and some vaulting horses

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Sakura : Who said we needed any equipment?

Aoi : Yeah, since there isn't any equipment around here. We go up and down the stairs super fast!, we run around the gymnasium, we jump over the vaulting horses consecutively just like in track and field!

The more she talked the paler I became and the more I regretted my decision.

Sakura : You're not allowed to backtrack now! It would be disgrace!

Aoi : Yeah! Like she said!


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