5 : The first meeting

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Y/N's room


While everyone went about their own business searching this place, I took the time to go to my room and wash up.

I locked the door to my room and removed my clothes, threw them on my bed and finally got in the shower.

Feeling the water fall on my skin was incredibly relaxing, I must have laid a good 20 minutes under there.

When I turned the shower off I took a good look at myself in the mirror and something weirded me out.

I definitely look like I always looked but I couldn't help but feel like my body had undergone some kind of change, well I guess that's what puberty does to an adolescent.

While spacing around in my room I was thinking about the rules and how I could possibly exploit them.

But the problem is half of these rules are useless or totally logic.

Like Rule 1 why does it  even exist? We are imprisoned in an unknown location with no apparent exit's and it's wrotten as if we could access the outside! Why were we imprisoned by rich trolls!

Rule 2 is pretty clear i'll just ask something real fast. 

I'll see if it works.

Y/N : Monokuma!! Come here for a second!!

Monokuma : Yeees, what do you need your amazing headmaster for?

Y/N : Which areas are off-limits at night?

Monokuma : Well, it's the .... wait wait why should I tell YOU anything. You have been everything but mean to me and now you want my help?

Y/N : Yes.

Monokuma : Absolutely no empathy, So cruel! W-well it's the dining hall and the gymnasium.

Y/N : Ok and do you have any reasons for this? Or is this completely pointless like everything you did and said until now.

Monokuma : ......

Y/N : uhhh hello?

Monokuma : .......

Did I hurt it's feelings or did I just touch a sensible subject?

YN : Well no response I'll take that as a no then. Oh and please stay right here in the corner of this room while I'm thinking of some extra questions. 

Y/N : Finally.... for now, Thank you. I may be a douchebag towards you but I'm not ungrateful.

Monokuma : Finally some recognition! You insolent brat!

Y/N : So now you're talking again.*scoff*

Monokuma : ......

Rule 3 is also pretty weird we don't have any classes so why should we be punished as if we were following classes. That's kinda unfair.

Y/N : So for rule 3 we can't sleep anywhere besides the dormitories otherwise it will be seen as sleeping in class?

Monokuma : Ab-so-lu-te-ly!

Y/N : But we don't have any classes.

Monokuma : And how would YOU know that!! It's only the first day!

Y/N : Do you really want me to go on a rant about why I 100% think we don't have any classes.

Monokuma : Yes! I would abso-

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