When she fell asleep she didn't know, but she was woken by the sound of someone knocking on the other side of the door causing her to sigh.

Running her fingers through her knotted hair, she approached the door and pulled it open, watching as Charles bolted inside and attached himself to her. Emilia was immediately filled with concern, letting the door swing shut and wrapping her arms around his body, the tiredness she had been feeling immediately disappearing when she felt him trembling in her arms.

She led him over to the bed and sat him down on the edge, squatting down in front of him.

"Charles." Emilia grips his hands in hers. "Charles, look at me."

"Emmy." His voice breaks as he speaks, meeting her eyes.

"Hi." She smiles. "What's going on?"

"Everything." He whispers. "Everything, and its to much. Emmy make it stop!"

"You have to speak English, honey." Emilia's voice was soft.

"Sorry." Charles whispers. "Make it stop, please."

"I'm trying." Emilia squeezes his hands. "Nothing can hurt you, Charles."

A tear rolled down his cheek but she was quick to wipe it away, eyes never leaving his face. When he finally gave into his emotions and broke down, Emilia's arms were there to catch him and bring him the safety and comfort he was craving even though he wouldn't admit it.

"Oh honey." Emilia whispers, looking down at his face and wiping his tears. "Its okay."

"Don't go." Charles says to her. "Please don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere." Emilia says, shaking her head. "I'm right here and I'm not leaving."

She managed to send a message to Pierre letting him know of the situation as she held the sobbing Monegasque, her chin resting on the top of his head with one of her hands passing through his hair as he began to calm down.

Once Charles had stopped crying and was quite calmy just resting in her arms, Emilia spoke.

"Charles," He hums in response to her voice. "What happened?"

"I don't know." He sighs, rubbing at his face.

"Okay." Emilia looks down at him. "Its okay that you don't know."

Charles Leclerc was fragile soul, which is why Emilia didn't let him leave her hotel room until Pierre had shown up so she know that Charles wasn't alone drowning in his own thoughts.

The Brazilian flopped back on her mattress, running her hands through her hair and rubbing her face before sitting back up and pushing herself up to standing. She was about to head through the bathroom when her phone buzzed and she caught herself smiling when she saw the contact.

Daniel Ricciardo was quick to sneak his way into Emilia Senna's room after her invitation.

The minute he was able to, he pressed his lips to hers. Emilia immediately responded by smiling and kissing him back with just as much hunger and force as Daniel was to her. One of her hands sat on the back of his neck whilst the other went to rest in his curls, both of Daniel's hands sitting on her lower back as he proceeded to push her back against the wall.

The more they kissed, the more they needed. Daniel's lips travelled down Emilia's jawline and neck, stopping in the places he had become familiar with as Emilia leant her head back to give him more access to said areas. She bit her bottom lip hard to muffle the noises that wanted to escape, feeling Daniel smirking against her skin before he pulled away.

Shirts were abandoned and Emilia managed to gather herself enough to loop her pinkie finger around the belt loops of his jeans to pull him into the bathroom. Daniel chuckled lowly, the look of hunger overtaking his eyes as he returned to kissing Emilia's neck passionately causing a low and slightly muffled moan to escape the woman's mouth. Emilia felt her back hit the counter behind them, hands clutching at the side of the countertop as she felt his hands travel from their position on her lower back to the middle of her back, beginning to fiddle the clasp of her bra.

The more clothing lost between them the less space between their bodies was taken by air.

Eventually, Emilia pushed Daniel away by placing her finger against his lips causing him to stand up straight and watch her in confusion.

The Brazilian turned around and turned the shower on, spinning back around with a smile.

The rest of their clothes were lost and the make-out session returned underneath the shower.

This time, it was Emilia making Daniel putty in her fingertips instead of him to her.

The water poured over them, soaking their hair and causing droplets to roll down their skin and stick to their eyelashes. It was when Emilia felt Daniel's hands gripping her thighs that she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling the coldness of the tiles against her back as she was pressed against it.

The air which was already steamy from the hot water became steamier. The echoes of moans being muffled by the sound of the shower pummelling against the shower floor.

Emilia found herself stood in front of the mirror in only her bra and pants brushing through her curls with her hairbrush when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She leant her head back against Daniel's shoulder as the Australian placed kisses along her shoulder.

Yeah, the whole no-strings-attached thing was already well out of the window.

Laying in bed later on that night, Emilia lay on her side with one arm tucked underneath her head. Her gaze was focussed on the sleeping face of Daniel who lay opposite her, eyes scanning his features and engraving them into her brain, from the way his lips were parted to how his eyelashes curled.

Her fingertips of her free hand were gently brushing over his skin - why? She didn't know herself, she felt like it was helping her memorise every single little thing about his face and she was doing it so lightly that it wasn't waking him from his sleep.

Until she watched one of his curls droop down over his forehead causing her to brush it back.

"Go to sleep." His voice was laced with sleep.

"I'm quite happy just laying here." Emilia replies.

"Watching me sleep?" Daniel plasters his eyes open. "That's kind of creepy Emily."

Emilia smiles at him, adjusting her position as he shuffled closer to her in the bed and tangled their legs together. Emilia found herself placing a kiss on his forehead before brushing his curls with her fingers. The action sending the Australian straight back into his sleep without a second thought.

Emilia sighed internally, feeling that stupid bottle of guilt suddenly bubble up into her stomach.

She swallowed and looked down at the sleeping figure of Daniel.

She could've sworn that for just a second it was Jules, not the bubbly Australian she had found herself entangled up with.

Before her mind could swirl off into a whirlpool of thoughts that would end up drowning her, Emilia rubbed her eyes with her free hand and got comfortable. The feeling of Daniel's curls against her jawline was enough of a momentum to remind her that it was the Red Bull driver and not her deceased ex-boyfriend as she let sleep take over her body.

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