- misjudged

565 16 1

Reader's age: 6-8

Miss Peregrine came downstairs to see what was causing so much screaming and yelling. She could hear y/n, Hugh and Claire arguing over something.

"What is all this noise, children!" she asked with a stern voice, before noticing Claire who was currently sobbing

"My d-doll is ripped" Claire wailed

"What, oh no. We'll stitch it together later, dear" she comforted her, putting one hand on her arm

Hugh and y/n were just playing with the ball earlier. Then y/n went over to the tree near where Emma was reading her book to talk with her. The girl didn't know was Hugh was doing then, but she definitely didn't rip Claire's doll.

"Which one of you has done this?" Miss Peregrine asked with a glare, her hands on her hips

Y/n didn't say anything just like Hugh. Unlike Hugh, y/n was innocent, but him being scared of the punishment Miss Peregrine would give him, he put the blame on the girl.

"I didn't do anything! I- uh, it was y/n!" he told her, his heart racing 

"What?" the child looked over at him, not believing her ears "I wasn't even there, Hugh, you know it"

"Did you do it, y/n?" Miss P asked her sternly

"No- I- I didn't" she answered, scared and shocked her friend would put the blame on her

Unfortunately Miss Peregrine believes Hugh.

"I was in the garden, uh- talking with Emma! I didn't do it, Miss Peregrine"

"Well, one of you had to do it and since Hugh was talking with Emma then, I assume it must've been you,  y/n"

Y/n as a sensitive girl, dreading the misjudgment and confusion, sheds a tear which she quickly wipes away.

"Go to your rooms, children. Y/n, you're getting extra chores for a week" Miss P looks at her, disappointed

Miss Peregrine knew y/n was nothing, but a sweet and kind girl. So what would cause such a behavior? - she'd think.

The girl wandered to her room, sadly. First - she didn't do anything to Claire's doll, second - her good friend betrayed her, third - she thought Miss Peregrine was mad at her now.

At one point, she even started to think maybe she deserved to get a punishment. For what? For nothing, but bad feelings were messing with her mind.

It was the evening now. All the children and The Bird were in the living room, chatting and relaxing. Y/n excused herself and went to her room. She cried, feeling really upset. She didn't do anything. Why would her friend treat her like that? Poor girl was scared, Miss Peregrine would kick her out of the loop for her behavior.

Meanwhile, the children in the living room were talking.

"Claire, why is your doll ruined?" Emma asked Claire, frowning

"Somebody ripped it" she mumbles, sadly

"What! Who did this and when?" She asks again, concerned

"I-I don't really know. I found it like that around 3 o'clock in the garden. Miss Peregrine says it was y/n"

Miss Peregrine caught her name in the conversation and started listening to the children carefully.

"Y/n was with me then. I don't think it was her" Emma states

"Wait, y/n was the one with you?" Miss P joined the conversation

"Yeah. Hugh and her were playing soccer, then she came to me and Hugh went off wandering somewhere"

"Oh no..." the older woman whispered "Okay, children, off to bed. Let's go. Oh an Claire, could you give me your doll? I'll stitch her" she softly smiled

Miss Peregrine made her way to y/n's room. She knew the girl was sensitive and still slightly scared by her peculiarity and everything around. She's had a tough past and it took Miss Peregrine a long time to make y/n open up.

Now, she misjudged the girl and felt really bad about it.

"Y/n, can I come in?" she knocked on the door

All she could hear was quiet sobs.

"I'm coming in, sweetheart" she decided to come in without consent

She noticed the little girl curled up in the corner of the bed, crying. The sight breaks her heart.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I know you didn't do it" she rushes over to the girl and shifts the child onto her lap "Shhh. Shh. It's okay"

"I w-was scared you were gonna kick me out" she cried out "but I- I didn't do it. I didn't"

"I'm sorry" she whispers and holds the girl tight in her arms "I should have judged you without being sure who did it" she gently rubs her back

Her other hand goes to the back of the child's head, gently pulling her closer to her. Y/n buries her forehead into the older woman's neck.

"It's okay now, honey. Shh. I got you"

The next day, the truth finally came out. Hugh admitted he accidentally ripped Claire's doll. He got extra chores for 2 weeks. First for ripping the doll, second for lying. The boy also apologized to y/n and everything was fine again.

Miss Peregrine x child y/n one shots Where stories live. Discover now