- nightmare

553 16 0

Reader's age: 8-10

It's the middle of the night. Another nightmare startles me awake. I wake up, sweating and not able to control my breath. I sob, cuddling my teddy bear to my chest.

I don't know what else to do, so I wander to Miss Peregrine's room, hoping to find comfort.

I don't know why are the nightmares chasing me. I feel so bad and so alone. I don't wanna bother Miss P, during the night. I feel like a burden when I disturb her at all, but this time I can't hold it anymore.

I slowly open the door, still heavily crying. She sits up in the bed when I reach her.

"y/n? What are you doing up, sweetheart? What's the matter?"

I'm holding onto my teddy bear, not able to speak a word. I try to, but I choke on my tears.

"It's alright, it's alright. Come here" she opens her arms for me to come in

Then she sits me onto her lap. She holds me close, rubbing my back.

"Shh, shh. You're gonna be okay" she keeps saying

"T-there were monsters" I cry out "and I couldn't- I couldn't run away" I clutch onto her

"It's okay now, my dear girl. Shh" she kisses my head "can you try go back to sleep?" she asks me

I don't respond, my hands still gripping around her neck.

"Why don't you sleep here with me tonight?"

I hum in response and she lays me down beside her. I immediately close my eyes and let few more tears roll down my cheeks. I can feel the stare on me.

"Hey, look at me" she emphasizes

I refuse to do so in fear of her being mad at me.

"Please look at me, sweetie" she insists

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I bothered you. Don't be mad" I sob when finally opening my eyes

"No need to apologize, dear. And I'm not mad at you. I want you to be okay. There's nothing wrong you've done" she caresses my cheek "did you have a nightmare?"

"I have them almost every night" I whisper

"Why didn't you tell me sooner then?" she gently wipes my tears away

"I was scared..." I babble out

"Oh, my sweetheart" she shifts me closer to her to hold me "well next time, just tell me, alright?"

I nod my head in response. Being in her embrace made me sleepy. I fall asleep soon after she kisses my head.


Miss Peregrine x child y/n one shots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora