Chapter 1

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Broken lies


A Sunday evening, wholly to myself was what I needed or maybe I still need who knows but my parents had to ruin it by arranging a business dinner with my one and only enemy Andrew and his family.
I have no problem, but he's irritating.

Andrew Cole was my third-grade foe, oh did I mention he was my best friend?

Yes, we were on good terms when he and his friends pushed me down the stairs for God knows why.
After that, I stopped talking to him until he decided to humiliate me by talking about my grades in Spanish class.
And I knew that was the start of an academic competition,
I'd better brace myself.

I made my way toward the shower , knowing it was the only thing that could relax me right now.


I never saw her as my enemy, she thought I hated her and she still does. In real life, I've never really hated her, she was my favorite person and she still is, only if she knew why I did it.

Sighing, on my way into the closet, I got ready for dinner.
I was wearing a sage green suit as it was her favorite color in childhood, I hope it still is.
"Andrew, get your ass down," My older Brother Alex yelled.
"Douche bag." I laughed.
That was normal with the Coles.

"Apparently Kevin will also be at dinner."
"WTF, who on earth invited him?" I murmured.
"Well, why don't you ask your girl?"
"Why the hell is she so interested in him, Ughh I seriously hate that dude"
We got in the car and drove to the club.


Me, my parents and my best friend Kevin made it to the VIP area of the club.

After 5-10 Minutes, Andrew walked into my sight with his brother
Alex with his parents ahead of them.
He was wearing a sage green outfit, which is my
favorite color.
My heart began beating faster than usual, it must have been
a coincidence.
I turned my attention to Kevin, who was delirious about his
boy issues, yeah, he's gay. His latest ex, Darin, broke up with him because he thought Kevin was too clingy.
Soon Andrew and his family came and sat in front of us, Andrew
sat in front of me whilst Alex was sitting in front of Kevin.
My parents never had much trouble with Kevin, they always considered him their son.

Throughout the dinner Andrew kept glaring at me from time to time.
"So, son, I heard you were joining the business after graduation."
My father got Andrew to start a conversation.
"Yes, uncle," said he, with his famous dimpled smile, oh that smile.
"Uh, so we have decided to let Hestia work with you after graduation since she's new to all of this" WHAT IS MY FATHER TALKING ABOUT I'M PERFECTLY FINE AT WORK.
"Dad, I can also work independently."
"Sure uncle why not!"
Andrew said with enthusiasm like he's been waiting for this forever.
"Yes son, that way you can both get closer as well"
I sighed, knowing that it was useless to protest against it, if my father decided something he would not renounce. 
"Uncle, may I have a word with Hestia privately?"
"All right, son."

He guided me through the crowd and took me somewhere god knows.
"what did you want to talk about dickhead"
"Feisty much? I like that"
All of a sudden, a bunch of people passed besides us.
"Andrew Cole is that you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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