He made his way to the kitchen, and nearly fell over when he saw you there. Right as rain, you were cooking breakfast in your sweatpants and favorite oversized t-shirt you had picked up during your time on the planet. You were frying eggs over the stove top along with some bacon, and your tail was currently holding a carton of orange juice. You poured out a cup and set it back down on the counter.

    Vegeta cleared his throat, and you turned to him and smiled. "Morning Veggie! I made-" your smile faltered as you looked at him, a sweaty mess and chest rising and falling faster than it should have. He was leaning against the wall, trying to look as calm as possible and failing. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing I-" his voice cracked as he ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat once more. "I'm fine."

    You placed your hands on your hips, spatula still clutched tight in one of them. "You know I don't believe that."

    He huffed and crossed his arms, "well you should."

    You pointed the spatula at him accusingly, "you're drenched in sweat, your hair is a mess, and you have bags under your eyes like you didn't sleep at all."

     He sat down at the kitchen table, resting his head in his hands, "you know me too well."

    You giggled, turning back to the stove and turning off the heat. "You'd be surprised what working under someone for so many years can lead to."

    "Mm, is that right," he teased, leaning back into the chair and sighing. You put the eggs on a plate along with some bacon and set it infront of him, then grabbed the coffee pot you had started brewing and poured it into his favorite mug. "And I thought I told you that you worked alongside me?"

    "It is," you purred, tail brushing across his nose as you set the cup in front of him. He felt a shiver run up his spine as he lifted it and took a sip. You pulled out the chair across from him and sat, crossing your legs as you did so. "Now spill."

    He grew quiet for a moment, glancing down at his food and then anywhere else in the kitchen except at you. "I... had nightmares again."

    You titled your head and frowned, "the same ones?"

    He nodded curtly, taking another sip from his cup and setting it down.

    You sighed, reaching across the table to run your hand over his, "Veggie you know Frieza's gone."

    He shook his head, "I know, I know. But it's just so real. Like he's actually talking to me. What if he comes back?"

    His eyes finally met yours and you gave a soft smile and a reassuring squeeze. "Vegeta, what was the first thing you did when we got back home?"

    "Talked with Raditz," he smirked as he said it and you laughed. "You were there with me, don't you remember?"

    "I'm going to beat your ass I swear-"

    "And then I talked to Nappa, and my father, then I dealt with King Cold and FINALLY I dealt with Frieza."

     "You're such a smart ass," you giggled, leaning back in your own chair and rolling your eyes.

    "And you love me anyway," he replied, taking a bite of the eggs and wagging his tail all the while.

    "You're right, I do." He choked on his food at that, pounding his chest with his fist to try and dislodge it. "Still all that shocking a couple months later?"

     "Yes," he croaked, coughing into his fist. "Incredibly shocking."

    "Well I don't have to say it-"

DBZ: The Princess Saga (Vegeta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now