nine : a cheat.

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juyeon entered the studio, looking around for the boy. and sure enough, he was there practicing. noticing juyeon's reflection in the mirror, sunwoo turned around. " hi juyeon, the first session doesn't start untill next week. you need help on anything? " he asked, after pausing the music. " actually, yes i do. and i need your help. " juyeon smiled. sunwoo pointed to himself, raising his eyebrows as juyeon nodded.

" well, time to take a break i guess. "


" wow i'm honoured to be the first member to be treated to coffee by you. " sunwoo said, taking a sip of the vanilla latte juyeon payed for. " now let's get to the point, if you don't mind? " asked juyeon. " geez okay " sunwoo acted. the older smiled. " how long have you known hyunjae? "

" well if it's about that him punching that dude thing, no he isn't a bad person it's just-"

" it's not about that. just answer the question. "

" last year of middle school so like 8th grade? "

" what does he like and dislike? "

" it's been 4 years so his preferences may change but he likes perfumes, he used to wear a shit ton of those, lip balms, dogs, hoodies, people who like music, he likes lazing around in bed, more of a homebody, you know? he doesn't like crowded places but loves talking with people. and he also dislikes people who lie, dry texters, people who assume things about him, yeah that's all i can remember. "

juyeon hummed in response, taking the information in.

" why you asking me this? "

" i want to confess to him."

" confess? isn't it too early? i mean, y'all only been on few dates. "

" i don't know, sunwoo. i like him, i really do. i don't think i've ever felt this way. " juyeon said, his eyes never once leaving sunwoo's as his voice became deeper throughout the end.

" wow now that was cringe. " sunwoo remarked, shaking his shoulders. " oh shut up." said juyeon, rolling his eyes. sunwoo smiles, through the sunlight, he could see juyeon's eyes as he continued talking about hyunjae. but sunwoo wasn't listening, he was staring. staring at how juyeon's eyes turned smaller when talking about hyunjae, how his smile turns brighter, wider. he could see how much in love he was, and sunwoo was happy. being the witness when someone you know is in love, and completely intoxicated by it is a different emotion. sunwoo was so happy for hyunjae. they have only met yesterday, but sunwoo was no ordinary man. he's smart, he knows people. and he could sense juyeon is a very alluring one.

" so? when are you confessing? "

" next week. but before that, i need your help. "

" i was dreading this part. anyways, go ahead. "

" can you text hyunjae and ask if he likes me enough to date me? you know, how he will react if i do confess? "

" come on, man. that's cheating! don't be a coward. what's the point of confessing then? isn't the entire point of confessing literally the thrill of finding out their feelings towards you? " sunwoo immediately shook his head. " come on, man. help a guy in need. " juyeon whined, jumping up and down. sunwoo sighed. " fine, i'll do it while considering you're our team's new main dancer. "


hyunjae lies on his bed, scrolling through his phone. he didn't have class today and was exhausted from all the work he has been doing lately, so he decided to stay in to give himself a break from the world. he video-called his mom, cleaned his dorm after what felt like years, and made some delicious food. he was about to press play to continue the netflix series he was binging, but his focus shifted to the notification that popped on the top of his screen instead. not wanting to ignore it, he opened the text.

yo bro

yo sunwoo! what's up?

how would you react if juyeon confessed to you
like rn

can't believe i really thought we would start with a hello and how are you doing
what is this 😭
but if you want to know so bad, i'll tell you.
i will jump on his fine ass.


" there you go, here is your answer. " before handing his phone over, he looks at juyeon, who is avoiding eye contact and standing at the far end of the sideline they are walking at, waiting anxiously as he fiddles with his fingers. sunwoo chuckled by himself. young love, he must have thought to himself. juyeon gently takes the phone from sunwoo's hands into his own, hoping it wouldn't be something extremely harsh. but he had enough trust in hyunjae to know that he would never respond with something that rude.

as juyeon's eyes analyzes the chats between the two boys, a smile formed upon his face. sunwoo too, cracks a slight smile noticing the shift of expression on juyeon's face. juyeon hands the phone in his grip back to it's owner. " i love you. " he sighs. sunwoo laughs " save those words for hyunjae. " he teases as juyeon blushes, thanking and bidding him goodbye.


hyunjae finishes binging his series, he washed the dishes, even though he was feeling very lazy. hyunjae today, felt very weak. he knew he was just stressed out because of his exams. he finished his mid-terms, but after so many weeks of constant studying, he was finding difficult to wind down. his mind was still on work-mode. and though he was very thankful that exam week came to an end, he had nothing to focus on. studying kept him busy and engaged, but now that he is free, he is terribly bored and overthinking about his future wasn't helping. just then, his phone rang.

" yes, mom? what is it again? everything good? "

" yes, son. everything's alright. actually i was wondering, since you are done with your exams, would you mind staying over for a couple of days? you haven't visited us in forever since you're always busy. "

hearing his mother's voice through the speaker, hyunjae did feel guilty. he felt as if he was punishing his parents by being so distant with them. maybe they did not entirely deserve this treatment. but hyunjae didn't feel like stopping yet, not when his inner scars aren't fully healed. he realized that without his parents being near him, he was much healthier and happier, and he was able to feel what it feels like to live without worrying all the time, and he loved it too much to let go.

" sure! i'll drop by tomorrow. i can only stay for 2 days though, i have some outsider activities to do. "

" outsider activities? "

" yeah. well you see, i'm cramming in all the credits i can to graduate in time haha. "

that was a blatant lie.

" okay then! try to be early, i'll make your favourite dishes. "

" sure mom. i have to go now, meet you tomorrow? "

" bye, my son! " hyunjae could sense she was smiling on the other end.

one of hyunjae's bad habits is lying without batting an eye. he doesn't appreciate this bad habit of his all too much, but it comes to use in situations like these. he feels bad for lying, but then again, what other option does he have?

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