one : drowning in toxins.

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the male sighed and ran his fingers through his newly dyed dark blonde hair, ruining the hair he had put quite an effort to style, the same morning. drowning in multiple papers, empty water bottles, and eyes melting by staring at a laptop screen for so long was a daily for hyunjae. as this was one of the main points which would lead him to his degree, which he waited ever so patiently for. hyunjae had no interest in academics, he wasn't waiting for his degree so he could get his desired job, unlike his batchmates. the only thing he was expecting that degree for, was to throw it in his parent's faces so that they would finally believe and let him do what he actually wanted, which was music. 

hyunjae's old-fashioned parents refused to believe music had enough scope to gurantee their son a stable income, they wanted him to purse a law or engineering degree, but hyunjae made it clear that he would rather die than doing so. in the end, both parties compromised and they agreed to let hyunjae pursue a film degree. and once he has completed his graduation, he can finally pursue music. in that way, even if he does fail, he would atleast be able to work at his own dad's workbase, which was a film editing company.

as unfair as it felt, hyunjae can't blame his parents. afterall, he knew they wanted the best for him. but the stress of his degree and the desire to get his his parent's approval was eating him alive. he needed to distress, and the only time he can truly enjoy himself was when him and his college friends hit up a local bar, it wasn't too fancy, and that is what makes it popular for shabby hangouts. local hoodlums, sometimes even drunk beggars, this place had it all. from girls dressed in revealing clothes to random beggars with cocaine in their bloodstream and ripped cotton hanging over their starved bodies. but the securities do their job and shoo most of them away.

hyunjae also wasn't the type to go all out party, he just liked the drinks and the atmosphere the club had to offer. it was a chill club, not too many people, no strippers, just loud music and led lights and a few drunkards on the dance floor. it felt like no on was caring and set just the right ambience, atleast for him.

" stop, lee hyunjae, focus. "

the man called out to himself, he should be studying, not thinking about going to a club in a middle of a library. for this project, they were assigned to watch a movie and summarize it into their own words, which would then be asked to be edited into a video graph. usually, hyunjae would have no problem. despite being not interested in the subject that much, he was still smart, and knew how to make things easier. but the movie he was supposed to write  a summary on was hella boring. so boring, he actually slept in between and had to rewind a few minutes. and the fact that this assignment carried 40% of their grade in the entire semester wasn't putting ease to the mount of stress he was already under.

he was stressed, deprived of sleep and cold. who made this library so cold again? he thought to himself, thinking about how he would greet the manager of this library with a very kind punch in the face, if he does meet him. 

he closed his folder and laptop, realizing that sitting in this cold ass library without doing nothing wasn't helping him finish his project. he opened his bag and tossed in his materials, his laptop, folder, airpods and his charger, before grabbing his phone and hanging his black bag around his shoulder and getting out of there.

" dude I thought I was gonna freeze to death there. " hyunjae said to younghoon, his best friend. younghoon just smiled. kim younghoon, hyunjae's high school buddy, they have always been close. younghoon is majoring in aerospace engineering, which is a very tough subject on its own. hyunjae often wonders how younghoon has so much free time despite majoring in such a complicated subject. but younghoon was no ordinary student, he was always the class topper, some people say he is book smart, but he is actually just very street smart. younghoon never once studied and always had a rebellious nature in class, but the teachers always ignored him since they thought well, atleast he scores well.

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