seven : free?

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hyunjae walked out from his shower with a towel, drying his wet hair. he sat on his bed in his comfy pajamas and grabbed for his cellphone. sending a message to his friend who, fortunately for him, replied right away. hyunjae smiled at the new oppurtunity and immediately opened his chatbox with juyeon. 


hi juyeon!

when does your shift start

fine ass bartender dude



starts at 6 pm and ends at 9 pm on weekdays

i have none during weekends


that means 

your free today right? 

fine ass bartender dude 

till afternoon, yes. 


give me a specific time 

fine ass bartender dude

four pm, to be exact. 

after that i have my shift



fine ass bartender dude 

why? you have smth on your mind?


hell yes i do

tomorrow after lunch, does 2 pm work? 

fine ass bartender


phone still in his hand, he exited the chatbox that displayed his and juyeon's conversation and switched to his call app. looking for the saved number he was about to reach out to, he mentally prayed that the person would be able to make up some time off of his busy practice schedules. and thankfully, they picked up. 

" hello? it's me, hyunjae. "

" yo, jaehyun? after so long, huh? how's life? " said the person on the other end.

" everything's good. sorry not for reaching out earlier. uni's been eating me up alive. "

the person laughed, finding his reason relatable.

" do you have time today? i want you to meet somebody, and have a casual talk. "

" today i..." the voice slowly trailed off, making hyunjae nervous. please don't say no please don't say no was all he could think. his prayers came to a halt when he heard a chuckle on the other end. 

" damn jaehyun, you are lucky. it's not always i am free for casual chit-chat. " 

after thanking the person and hanging up, hyunjae smiled, happy he didn't get rejected. today, he was on a mission. the weather was perfect, so was everyone's schedule. he had to make this work. he lied down as he thought about all the outcomes this can lead do. it can either be extremely bad or awkward, or it can seal the deal with juyeon. but no matter what happens, he wasn't about to give up without a try. he turned his phone off, the screen fading into black, but quickly opened it again. 

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