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Athena Jones

Every day had been the exact same for me this past week. It’s hard to believe that a whole week has already gone by since I started working with Malfoy. Time seems to have both flown by and dragged on. It feels like just yesterday when I found out about Theodore, and it’s been a week since I first met Ethan.

In this sea of sameness, Ethan has become a source of positivity. He has taken it upon himself to walk me to my classes and accompany me to the Great Hall. He talks to me whenever he gets the chance, providing a welcome distraction from the constant voices in my head. It’s nice to have someone to talk to, even if it’s just for a little while. It helps me momentarily escape my own thoughts and worries.

As for Malfoy, our interactions have been predictably contentious.

We’ve engaged in a few arguments, as expected. It’s become his signature banter, his way of getting under my skin. But this time, something was different. I made a conscious effort to walk away from each argument before my anger could consume me. I refused to let it get the best of me. Perhaps it was a small victory in this otherwise repetitive existence.

Today though, I’m waiting outside Hufflepuff’s dormitory for Ethan, he asked me to give him a tour around the school, turns out he’s two years older than me and has transferred recently here.

Ethan would be here any minute now. I look around to pass time . After few minutes thankfully Ethan came out of the dormitory, with a smile as he looks at me “So what do you want to see first?” I ask Ethan.

“Well, you’re the tour guide, lead the way” he smiles widely at me.

I notice Malfoy watching us from behind the pillar, I don’t acknowledge his presence at all as he stares at both of us, then he finally gives up on looking at me and starts wandering around the hallway.

“Let’s start with the garden.” I say to Ethan while avoiding eye contact with Malfoy.

We started heading towards the garden, the sun is out and the grounds are lively. Students walking, some playing quidditch, some lounging on the grass while others are sitting and reading their books with a view to the lake. The scene is beautiful to my eyes and I can see the excitement in Ethan’s eyes as we continue our walk.

We strolled through the school grounds, engrossed in conversation and laughter, losing track of time as we explored every nook and cranny. The hours flew by as we got to know each other better, and I found myself sharing stories and anecdotes about the school, inadvertently forgetting to mention the specific places I had intended to show him.

Finally, all that remained was the majestic Astronomy Tower. It was the perfect time to visit, as the sun had already set,

I pushed open the door to the Astronomy Tower, gesturing for Ethan to follow me inside. The enchanting aura of the tower embraced us as we stepped closer to the railings, offering an unobstructed view of the night sky.

“It’s pretty-“ Ethan’s words trailed off as he gazed at the breathtaking sight before him.

“I know, right?” I responded, my own amazement mirrored in his expression.

He laughed softly, a genuine and joyous sound. “No wonder it’s your favorite place. It’s simply magical.”

A mischievous grin played across my lips as I reached into my pocket, pulling out my wand. With a flick and a flourish, I pointed it towards the sky, casting a spell to enhance the stars’ brilliance. As if responding to my magic, the stars multiplied in number and blazed even brighter, illuminating the night sky with a captivating glow.

Malfoy | A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction 18+Where stories live. Discover now