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Athena Jones

At evening

I arrived at the library and took a seat putting the red cloak he gave me yesterday beside me, I anxiously glance at the clock. Malfoy was supposed to meet me here half an hour ago, and his absence only fuelled my unease.

I swear if it wasn’t for the project work I didn’t want to see his face, not after what he said last night.

The library felt like a peaceful place to be. It was quiet, free from distractions and noise and gave a feeling of calmness. But even that feeling couldn’t mask the unease that filled the air in me.

My thoughts kept straying back to him, wondering why he hasn’t shown up yet… Was he playing games again? Or did he genuinely forgotten about it? Should I leave and forget about the project?

Maybe he stood me up on purpose didn’t he?

I looked out of the window and watched the sun was already down. I was going to put my books away when I noticed Malfoy and Astoria in the far back of the library.

When did he arrive?

She appeared to be crying, and he appeared to be about to erupt from range as they were conversing more like they were bickering. Before I moved my head to return to my books and stop staring at them, his eyes almost caught mine.

Please tell me he didn’t see me.
I looked away quickly, not wanting him to know that I was watching. They were both so caught up in their little argument that they failed to notice my presence.

Malfoy looked really pissed, his eyes narrowed and his lips pulled down into a grim line. Astoria just looked tearful and exhausted. I can’t hear what they said but it definitely doesn’t look like a pleasant conversation.

I kept my gaze on my textbooks, trying to look busy and avoid any awkward encounters.

I wonder what they were talking about, and why Astoria was crying. Could it be that things aren’t going well between them? I mean they never are, it’d always on and off between them from what I’ve heard.

I could see Malfoy’s eyes shifting between Astoria and myself, I think he was searching for me. I kept my head down, hoping he wouldn’t see.

Astoria’s tears were slowly turning into sobs as she tried to explain something that clearly was annoying him. He didn’t say anything in reply, his lips just curved into a grim, disgusted line.

I was almost caught by Malfoy again, now I miss my long hairs, at least it helped me hide my face a bit.

Astoria finally gave up and stormed out of the library.

There was a long moment of silence, only broken by a low mumbling and a slam of the door.

After a few seconds of silence, Malfoy’s footsteps approached my side of the library.

I quickly buried my face in my book, pretending to read but secretly watched him from the corner of my eye.

He sits beside me, clearing his throat, as I said “You’re late,”

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